
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (369)
Preis5.514 (32)1417.5 (40)17.521 (40)2127.5 (48)27.533.5 (64)33.541 (32)4150 (48)5060 (64)6072 (32)74.5100.5 (64)100 €
Preis inkl. Versand918 (32)1824 (40)2429 (44)2934 (52)3444 (64)4452 (36)5266 (48)6784 (48)8494 (24)94142 (64)
ZustandGebraucht (184)Gene­ral­über­holt (171)Neu (14)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (369)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (352)AMD (17)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)540050005500 (21)55006000 (46)60006500 (122)65007000 (25)70007500 (91)75008000 (33)80008500 (7)950011000 (4)1150012000 (12)1350071500 (6)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)7801070 (28)10701170 (28)11701200 (28)12101220 (37)12401250 (38)12501260 (10)12701280 (42)12801320 (6)13201370 (40)13802070 (66)
Ker­ne466 (135)88 (180)1010 (34)1212 (10)1616 (9)6464 (1)
Threads66 (1)88 (1)1212 (141)1616 (188)2020 (34)2424 (3)128128 (1)
Basis­takt1,71,8GHz (17)1,81,9GHz (24)1,92GHz (9)22,1GHz (95)2,12,2GHz (62)2,22,3GHz (82)2,32,4GHz (80)2,3 GHz
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

369 CPUs 0 Igno­re, bis 100 €, ab 5400 CPU Mark, ab 4 Ker­ne, bis 2,3 GHz Basistakt
1234Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis ≤ 100 €CPU Mark ≥ 5400Ker­ne ≥ 4Basis­takt ≤ 2,3 GHz
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630  15MB  6 x 2.30GHz 7,20-GT/s  LGA2011  Prozessor
9,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6300 series 6320 6328 6344 6348 6366 6376 6378 6380 Socket G34 LOT
Gebraucht — Basi­cal­ly clean and pass the test.
10,00 €AMD Opte­ron 63765538115116 / 16
10,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2630
11,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5-2620 E5-2620 V2 E5-2630 E5-2630L E5-2630L V2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5-2620V2
12,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.3GHz 7.2 Gt / S LGA 2011/Sockel R Server CPU SR0KV
13,02 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 CPU 2.2 GHz 6-Cores 15MB LGA 1356 Server Processor
Gebraucht — This guy working good!!!
13,19 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowXeon E5-2630 SR0KV, LGA 2011, 15MB L3,  2.30 GHz, (inkl.19% MwSt)
13,25 €
inkl. 4,85 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel SR19Z Xeon 2640 v2 LGA 2011/Sockel R 2.0GHz Server CPU
13,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 LGA 1356/Sockel B2 2.2GHz Server CPU SR0LM
13,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2650
13,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right now2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2 6x2,1 GHz, Six Core  Prozessor, funktional ausgebaut.
14,00 €
inkl. 2,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Prozessor E5-2620V2 2,1 GHz 6 (CM8063501288301) Prozessor
14,00 €
inkl. 4,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV 2,30GHz LGA2011 Prozessor
14,25 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 V2 / 6 x 2.10 GHZ/ 80W/ LGA 2011/ 15MB / Prozessor
14,49 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2440 V2 E5-2450 V2 CPU 8-Cores LGA1356 Server Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Test 100% per­fect work
Model: E5-2420V2
14,66 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR19Z
Gebraucht — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
14,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 / SR0KV /  2.30 GHz / LGA 2011
Gebraucht — ✔ Rech­nung ✔ Gewähr­leis­tung ✔ Blitzversand
14,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Prozessor E5-2620V2 2,1 GHz 6 (CM8063501288301) Prozessor
14,98 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2660
14,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620v2 15MB 6x2.10GHz to 2,60GHz 7,2 GT/s FCLGA2011 SR1AN CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
15,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 (6x 2.30GHz) SR0KV Sockel 2011   #303147
15,00 €
inkl. 3,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowXeon E5-2630 6 x 2,30GHz bis 2,80GHz Sockel 2011(R)
15,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620v2 SR1AN 2,10GHz LGA2011 Prozessor
15,28 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5-2418L E5-2420 E5-2420 V2 E5-2428L CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5-2420V2
15,43 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL - SR1AN - INTEL CPU Xeon E5-2620v2@2.1GHz, 6-Core, FCLGA2011
15,55 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 12 Core 2.30GHz Processor 6MB L2 12MB L3 OS6176WKTCEGO CPU
Gebraucht — Immedia­te Dis­patch — Plea­se choo­se your pre­fer­red posta­ge / ship­ping opti­ons when che­cking out
15,56 €
inkl. 4,44 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2420V2 CPU 2.2 GHz 6-Cores 15MB LGA1356 SR1AJ Processor
15,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon E5-2630L CPU 2.0 GHz LGA2011 2000 MHz 6 cores Prozessor
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
15,96 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 12 Core 2.30GHz Prozessor 6MB L2 12MB L3 OS6176WKTCEGO CPU
16,18 €
inkl. 4,57 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620v2 15MB 6x2.10GHz to 2,60GHz 7,2 GT/s FCLGA2011 SR1AN CPU
16,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.30GHz Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU (SR0KV)
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item is ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal and func­tions as inten­ded with evi­dence of light wear and tear. All of our pro­ducts are refurbished/cleaned/tested by our high­ly skil­led in house team. . All pro­ducts from Kel­su­s­IT will come with a mini­mum of 3 mon­ths warran
17,26 €
inkl. 8,49 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 SR0LM 2.20 - 2.70 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA1356, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
17,47 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 E5-2640V2 2.0GHz LGA2011 8Core Processore
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
17,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 2.20GHz Socket LGA1356 Processor CPU (SR0LM)
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item is ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal and func­tions as inten­ded with evi­dence of light wear and tear. All of our pro­ducts are refurbished/cleaned/tested by our high­ly skil­led in house team. . All pro­ducts from Kel­su­s­IT will come with a mini­mum of 3 mon­ths warran
17,86 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON 8 Core E5-2650 8 x 2.00Ghz LGA2011 Server CPU Prozessor #CP01
Gebraucht — gebraucht, getes­tet, 12 Mona­te Gewährleistung
17,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV 2.3GHZ 15MB Cache 6 Core 12 Threads Prozessor CPU
17,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 SROKQ 2,00 GHz 8-Kern LGA2011 Prozessor
Gebraucht — CPU kön­nen Krat­zer auf der Ober­sei­te haben, die­se beein­träch­ti­gen aber die Funk­ti­on nicht.Abbildung ähnlich.
18,00 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel XEON E5-2620 V2 CPU Six Core Prozessor
Gebraucht — ✔ Rech­nung ✔ Gewähr­leis­tung ✔ Blitzversand
18,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 E5-2630 - 2.30GHz Six Core (LGA2011) Processor SR0KV
Gebraucht — Remo­ved from a working com­pu­ter. No soft­ware, dri­vers or access­ories are inclu­ded unless shown in the pho­to­graphs. Plea­se note the­re may be marks to the face of CPU from the fixing bra­cket or the Heatsink.
18,29 €
inkl. 8,43 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2450 SR0LJ 2.10 - 2.90 GHz, 20MB, 8 Core, Socket LGA1356 95W CPU
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
18,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2450720213688 / 16
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E5-2620V2 SR1AN - Six Core - 2,10GHz - Sockel 2011 #890
Gebraucht — Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt. Ein Arti­kel mit Abnut­zungs­spu­ren, aber in gutem Zustand und voll­kom­men funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Bei dem Arti­kel han­delt es sich unter Umstän­den um ein Vor­führ­mo­dell oder um einen Arti­kel, der an den Ver­käu­fer nach Gebrauch zurückgege
18,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2450 SR0LJ 2.10 - 2.90 GHz, 20MB, 8 Core, Socket LGA1356 95W CPU
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
18,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2450720213688 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz Server CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR0KQ
Gebraucht — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
18,79 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5-2430 E5-2430L E5-2430L V2 E5-2430 V2  CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5-2430
18,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right now Intel Xeon  E5-2650 / 20 MB / 2,0 GHz / 8,00-GT/s-QPI  Prozessor
18,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 V2 E5-2620V2 2.10GHz 6Core LGA2011 Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
18,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2660 SR0KK 2,20 GHz 8-Kern LGA2011 Prozessor
Gebraucht — CPU kön­nen Krat­zer auf der Ober­sei­te haben, die­se beein­träch­ti­gen aber die Funk­ti­on nicht.Abbildung ähnlich.
19,00 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2660 SR0KK 2,20 GHz 8-Kern LGA 2011 Prozessor
19,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 E5-2630 - 2,3 GHz Six Core-Prozessor
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, funk­tio­niert einwandfrei
19,00 €
inkl. 9,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel SR0KQ Xeon E5-2650 2.0 GHZ LGA 2011 Desktop CPU
19,81 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
Gene­ral­über­holt — Ful­ly tes­ted working!
19,92 €
inkl. 11,58 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz Server CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR0KQ LGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
19,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel® Xeon® E5-2620 v2 2.10 GHZ
19,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420v2 SR1AJ 2,20GHz Sockel : FCLGA1356 Prozessor
19,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowAMD EPYC 7702 Verpackung (OHNE CPU!!!)
20,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
AMD EPYC 770271362206764 / 128
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU - Intel Xeon E5-2450 - 2,10 GHz - Sockel 2011 - Prozessor
20,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2450720213688 / 16
ebay right nowXeon E5-2660 Sandy Bridge-EP 8x 2.2GHz (3GHz Turbo) 20MB L3 LGA 2011 SR0KK 3
20,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 v2 2.10GHz Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU (SR1AN)
Gebraucht — S‑Spec num­ber SR1AN Pro­ces­sor Type Xeon Pro­ces­sor num­ber E5-2620 V2 Part num­ber CM8063501288301 BX80635E52620V2 Pro­ces­sor speed (MHz) 2100 L3 cache size (KB) 15000 Socket type Socket 2011 (LGA2011) Cores 6
20,05 €
inkl. 8,49 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 6-core 2.3 GHZ SR0KV FCLGA2011 CPU ONLY
20,39 €
inkl. 9,36 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 V2 (6x 2.10GHz) SR1AN CPU Prozessor Sockel 2011 (#3107)
20,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 SR0LM Six-Core 2.2GHz/15M Socket LGA1356 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and over­all in an excel­lent condition
21,26 €
inkl. 10,04 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon E5-2440 V2 SR19T Prozessor 1.9 GHz LGA 1356 Sockel
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
21,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2440 v262369378 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 Achtkern CPU LGA2011 Server Prozessor CPU Fit für X79
22,03 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowAcht Core LGA2011 Server Prozessor CPU Für Intel Xeon E5-2640 V2 geeignet X79
22,03 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E5-2620 V2 CPU PROCESSOR 6 CORE 2.10GHZ 15MB L3 CACHE 80W SR1AN
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item is ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal and func­tions as inten­ded with evi­dence of light wear and tear. All of our pro­ducts are refurbished/cleaned/tested by our high­ly skil­led in house team. . All pro­ducts from Kel­su­s­IT will come with a mini­mum of 3 mon­ths warran
22,04 €
inkl. 8,59 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowFür Intel Xeon E5 2640 V2 2,0 GHz Acht Kern CPU Prozessor 20M 95W LGA 2011
22,12 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.30GHz 15MB Hex Core CPU Processor SR0KV LGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gra­de A (tes­ted: ful­ly working) ~ In excel­lent con­di­ti­on ~ Comes in a gene­ric box ~
22,74 €
inkl. 8,60 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2,3 GHz SR0KV 6 Kerne Prozessor CPU
23,30 €
inkl. 4,30 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L SR0KM 2.00 - 2.50 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA2011, 60W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,33 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right now2 Stück Intel Xeon E5-2630L  SR0KM  2,00GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
23,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650  SR0KQ  2.00GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
23,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SR0LM Xeon E5-2430 LGA 1356/Sockel B2 2.2GHz Server CPU
23,78 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630-V1 (SR0KV) 2.30GHz 6-Core LGA2011 CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — Every pro­ces­sor we sell is stress-tes­ted in a working sys­tem and clea­ned befo­re sale. All of our CPUs come with a 90-day RTB warranty.
23,87 €
inkl. 8,64 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6376 Prozessor 2,3Ghz, 16-Core Sockel G34 OS6376WKTGGHK
24,00 €AMD Opte­ron 63765538115116 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 v2 2.20GHz SR1AJ Six-Core CPU Processor - Socket LGA1356
Gebraucht — Pre-used item — plea­se read descrip­ti­on in full
24,07 €
inkl. 6,85 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L - SR0KM Six Core - 2,00GHz - Sockel LGA2011 #385
24,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2650 Octa Core SR0KQ 2.00GHz 20M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2620V2 Six Core SR1AN 2.10GHz 15M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2658 Octa Core SR0LZ 2.10GHz 20M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2658611511698 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2440 V2 E5-2450 V2 CPU 8-Cores LGA1356 Server Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Test 100% per­fect work
Model: E5-2440V2
24,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2440 v262369378 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 (2,00GHz) LGA 2011 CPU Sockel Prozessor 20 MB Cache PC
Gebraucht — Top Preis ✔ Schnel­ler Ver­sand ✔ 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ✔
24,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowAMD OPTERON  6176 SE - OS6176YETCEGO - SOCKEL G34 - 12 x 2.3 Ghz SERVER (44)
24,94 €
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AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 v2 2.20GHz SR1AJ Six-Core CPU Prozessor - Sockel LGA1356
24,96 €
inkl. 6,86 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 v2 - 2,1 GHz Six Core
24,98 €
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 2.30GHZ/12MB Socket G34 OS6176WKTCEG0
Gene­ral­über­holt — “Items are Ful­ly Tes­ted- Immedia­te Dispatch”
25,12 €
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AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU E5-2650 SR0KQ 8-Core 2,0 GHZ 8,00-GT/s-QPI 20MB Cache FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 SR0KQ 8‑Core 2,0 GHZ 8,00-GT/s‑QPI 20MB Cache FCLGA2011
25,60 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV - Six Core - 2,30GHz - 15M - Sockel LGA2011 #923
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 2.00GHz Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU (SR0KQ)
26,63 €
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right now2 Stück Intel Xeon E5-2630  SR0KV  2,30 GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
26,65 €
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2660 Octa Core SR0KK 2.20GHz 20M LGA 2011 Prozessor
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620V2 SR1AN  2.10Ghz CPU Socket Processor
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz Server CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR0KQ LGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 (SR19Z) 2GHz/ Eight Core / 20M / 2011 Server Processor
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 V2 CPU 2.10GHz 6Core 15M SR1AN LGA2011 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630-V1 (SR0KV) 2.30GHz 6-Core LGA2011 CPU
27,16 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 | Sockel 1356 | 2,20 GHz |
27,40 €
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 SR0LM 2,2 GHz 6-Kern-LGA 1356-CPU-Prozessor * km
27,44 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR19Z FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
27,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR19Z FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
27,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16