
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (37)
Preis inkl. Versand20 €2022.5 (5)22.525 (7)2527.5 (3)27.532.5 (2)32.540 (4)4042.5 (3)42.557.5 (4)57.575 (4)75112.5 (4)120335 (4)
ZustandGebraucht (20)Gene­ral­über­holt (13)Neu (4)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (37)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (37)
CPU-SerieIntel Pen­ti­um G (37)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)136514601465 (5)15851590 (6)16101615 (1)16401645 (10)16701675 (5)16851690 (1)18051810 (4)20402045 (1)20702075 (4)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)1142.51145.0 (1)1305.01307.5 (5)1445.01447.5 (6)1457.51460.0 (1)1492.51495.0 (1)1502.51505.0 (5)1550.01552.5 (4)1570.01572.5 (10)1575.01577.5 (4)1575
Ker­ne22 (37)
Threads22 (37)
Basis­takt2,52,6GHz (5)2,62,7GHz (12)2,72,8GHz (9)2,93GHz (11)2,9 GHz
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

37 Intel Pen­ti­um G CPUs 0 Igno­re, ab 20 €, ab 1365 CPU Mark, bis 1575 Thread Mark, bis 2,9 GHz Basistakt
1Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≥ 20 €CPU-Serie: Intel Pen­ti­um GCPU Mark ≥ 1365Thread Mark ≤ 1575Basis­takt ≤ 2,9 GHz
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowIntel Pentium Dual Core G2030T 2.60GHz Socket LGA1155 Processor CPU (SR164)
Gebraucht — S‑Spec num­ber SR164 Pro­ces­sor Type Pen­ti­um Dual-Core Pro­ces­sor num­ber G2030T Part num­ber CM8063701450500 Pro­ces­sor speed (MHz) 2600 L3 cache size (KB) 3072 Socket type Socket 1155 (LGA1155) Cores 2
20,16 €
inkl. 8,51 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2030T SR164 Dual-Core 2.6GHz/3M Socket LGA1155 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and over­all in an excel­lent condition
20,18 €
inkl. 8,52 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020T Processor SR10G Dual Core 2.5GHz CPU Socket LGA1155 64 bit
Gene­ral­über­holt — Taken from a working PC
21,07 €
inkl. 5,85 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020T146313052 / 2
ebay right nowIntel SR1CK Pentium Dual-Core G3420T LGA 1150 2.7 GHZ Desktop CPU
21,23 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3420T207015752 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3220T 2.60GHz LGA1150 Processor SR1CL
22,04 €
inkl. 8,49 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3220T167215032 / 2
ebay right nowINTEL SR10H Pentium G2020 2.9GHz Dual Core Socket 1155 Ivy Bridge Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Es han­delt sich um Gebraucht­wa­re, wel­che von unse­rem Tech­ni­ker­team getes­tet wurde.
22,61 €
inkl. 19,99 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowIntel® Pentium® Processor G3220T SR1CL
Neu — (Tes­ted pul­led, strip­ped from tes­ted machines)
22,98 €
inkl. 8,84 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3220T167215032 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020 SR10H Dual Core Processor 2.9 GHz, Socket LGA1155, 55W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,24 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2030T SR164 Dual Core Processor 2.6 GHz, Socket LGA1155, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,24 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2100T SR0UJ Dual Core Processor 2.6 GHz, Socket LGA1155, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,29 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2100T168614582 / 2
ebay right nowJoblot 5 x Intel Pentium G2020T 2.5GHz LGA1155 Ivy Bridge CPU SR10G
24,50 €
inkl. 12,84 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020T146313052 / 2
ebay right nowGenuine Intel Pentium G2030T SR164 2.60GHz CPU 4
24,90 €
inkl. 9,91 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3220T 2.6GHz Socket LGA1150 CPU SR1CL 4th Generation
Gene­ral­über­holt — As you’­re buy­ing a refur­bis­hed item plea­se aspect some minor marks on the item. 100% working con­di­ti­on with free postage.
25,07 €
inkl. 10,25 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3220T167215032 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3220T SR1CL 2.60GHz Socket 1150 CPU
26,16 €
inkl. 13,35 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3220T167215032 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020T SR10G Sockel LGA1155 2.50 GHz 3 MB 5 GT/s DMI CPU Prozessor
27,49 €
inkl. 5,49 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020T SR10G Dual Core Processor 2.5 GHz, Socket LGA1155, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
29,05 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020T146313052 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020 2x 2.90GHz tray CM8063701444700
30,80 €
inkl. 3,90 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SR1CK Pentium Dual-Core G3420T LGA 1150 2.7 GHZ Desktop CPU
34,53 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3420T207015752 / 2
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Pentium Dual-Core G2030T SR164 2.6Ghz 3Mo Buchse LGA-1155
35,88 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium Dual Core G3240T 2.70GHz Socket LGA1150 Processor CPU (SR1KU)
38,54 €
inkl. 9,31 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3240T180615522 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3240T SR1KU Dual Core Processor 2.7 GHz, Socket LGA1150, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
40,54 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3240T180615522 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3220T SR1CL Dual Core Processor 2.6 GHz, Socket LGA1150, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
40,54 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3220T167215032 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2120T SR0YV Dual Core Processor 2.7 GHz, Socket LGA1155, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
40,78 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2120T161314932 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium Processor G3240T (3M Cache, 2.70 GHz)
42,98 €
inkl. 8,93 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3240T180615522 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020 - 2,9 GHz Dual-Core (BX80637G2020)
Gebraucht — a sepa­ra­te pro­ces­sor that was used in a PC for rou­ti­ne work — the pro­ces­sor is tes­ted and working
46,98 €
inkl. 6,99 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Pentium Dual Core G2020T 2.5Ghz SR10G 3Mo 5GT/S LGA1155
57,25 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020T146313052 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3450T SR1KT Dual Core Processor 2.9 GHz, Socket LGA1150, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
58,07 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3450T204211442 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G2020 Dual Core 2.9GHz 3M Cache CPU Processor SR10H LGA1155 Tray
Neu — Bulk Stock, Pul­led from working sys­tem and TESTED in PC Laboratories
58,84 €
inkl. 32,83 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowLot von 5 Intel Pentium 2.9GHz SR10H CPU Prozessor LGA1155 G2020 5 GT/s Sockel
Gebraucht — Her­aus­ge­zo­gen aus neu­em Desk­top Tes­ted Working
67,72 €
inkl. 16,93 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowKC.20201.DEG Gateway ZX6980 CPU Prozessor CPU Pga Intel Pentium G2020/2.9G/3M
73,59 €
inkl. 44,04 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowIntel SR10H Pentium G2020 2.9 GHZ LGA 1155 Desktop CPU
77,16 €
inkl. 70,00 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowIntel Pentium G3420T SR1CK Dual Core Processor 2.7 GHz, Socket LGA1150, 35W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
86,88 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3420T207015752 / 2
ebay right nowPack 10x Prozessoren CPU INTEL Pentium G2020 2.9Ghz 3Mo LGA1155 Dual Core SR10H
109,77 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2020164015722 / 2
ebay right nowINTEL Pentium G3420T CPU 2,7GHz Cache 3MB LGA1150, 22nm, 35W, TRAY, NEU
110,40 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3420T207015752 / 2
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Pentium G3240T 2.7Ghz SR1KU LGA1150 3Mo 5GT/S
120,37 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G3240T180615522 / 2
ebay right nowPack x10 Prozessoren CPU INTEL Pentium Dual-Core G2030T SR164 2.6Ghz 3Mo LGA1155
205,65 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2
ebay right nowPack x10 Prozessoren CPU INTEL Pentium Dual-Core G2030T SR164 2.6Ghz 3Mo LGA1155
205,65 €Intel Pen­ti­um Pro­ces­sor G2030T158914452 / 2