
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (1337)
Preis inkl. Versand020 (24)2030 (196)3040 (143)4050 (117)5060 (84)6080 (162)80100 (94)100150 (120)150310 (136)3102210 (192)
ZustandGebraucht (811)Gene­ral­über­holt (461)Neu (65)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (1337)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (1310)AMD (27)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)400045006000 (96)60006300 (130)63006400 (108)65006800 (158)68006900 (151)70007900 (112)79009200 (148)93009500 (114)990011100 (74)1180016400 (132)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)6501320 (192)13201350 (218)13801390 (109)14001450 (130)14501490 (236)14901500 (122)15101540 (108)15501560 (94)15701590 (126)15901680 (112)1680
Ker­ne66 (905)88 (262)1010 (78)1212 (92)12
Threads121212 (928)1616 (262)2020 (78)2424 (69)
Basis­takt2,2 GHz2,22,3GHz (138)2,32,4GHz (91)2,42,5GHz (176)2,52,6GHz (103)2,62,7GHz (237)2,72,9GHz (90)2,93GHz (126)33,3GHz (216)3,33,4GHz (145)3,43,5GHz (92)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

1337 CPUs 0 Igno­re, ab 4000 CPU Mark, bis 1680 Thread Mark, bis 12 Ker­ne, ab 12 Threads, ab 2,2 GHz Basistakt
123414Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0CPU Mark ≥ 4000Thread Mark ≤ 1680Ker­ne ≤ 12Threads ≥ 12Basis­takt ≥ 2,2 GHz
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowAMD OPTERON OS6238WKTCGGU / 6,4GT/s / 12 x 2.60-3,20GHz/ LGA G34/ Prozessor
7,49 €AMD Opte­ron 62385199116512 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 SLBWZ 6x 2,40 GHz Six-Core 6-Core | Mac Pro & Server Upgrade
Gene­ral­über­holt — GERMAN: Gebraucht. Aus­ge­zeich­ne­ter Zustand. Das Pro­dukt wur­de pro­fes­sio­nell getes­tet und gerei­nigt. Tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. 1 Jahr Garan­tie. Preis inkl. MwSt. —/////— ENGLISH: Used. Excel­lent con­di­ti­on. The pro­duct has been pro­fes­sio­nal­ly tes­ted and cl
8,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon L5640 SLBV8 Prozessor 2.26 GHz LGA 1366 Sockel
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
8,93 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 2,40GHz LGA 1366 CPU Sockel Prozessor 12MB Cache PC
Gebraucht — Top Preis ✔ Schnel­ler Ver­sand ✔ 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ✔
9,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon L5640 CPU 6-Core 2.26 GHz 12MB SLBV8 LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — 100% working
9,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630  15MB  6 x 2.30GHz 7,20-GT/s  LGA2011  Prozessor
9,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 6x 2.66 GHz Six-Core 6-Core | Mac Pro & Server Upgrade
Gene­ral­über­holt — GERMAN: Gebraucht. Aus­ge­zeich­ne­ter Zustand. Das Pro­dukt wur­de pro­fes­sio­nell getes­tet und gerei­nigt. Tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. 1 Jahr Garan­tie. Preis inkl. MwSt. —/////— ENGLISH: Used. Excel­lent con­di­ti­on. The pro­duct has been pro­fes­sio­nal­ly tes­ted and cl
9,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon L5640 SLBV8 Processor 2,26GHz 12M 6-core CPU Prozessor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men pro­fes­sio­nell aus­ge­baut, gerei­nigt, getestet
9,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 E5-2640 - 2,5 GHz Six Core (CM8062100856401) Prozessor
9,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel® Xeon® E5645 2,4GHz 12MB Sockel 1366 80Watt SLBWZ
9,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 E5645 L5640 LGA1366 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: L5640
9,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon/ i3/ i5/ i7/ 775/ 1366/ 1156/ 1155/ 1150/ 1151/ 2011 CPU Prozessor
Anzahl der Ker­ne: 6
Sockel­typ: LGA 1366/Sockel B
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon E5645
9,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 Sockel 1366
10,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 Prozessor 2.66 GHz LGA 1366 B Sockel
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
10,79 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 /15MB/ 6x 2.50GHz / 7,20GT/s / LGA2011  Prozessor
10,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 E5645 L5640 LGA1366 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5645
10,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel XEON Quad Core L5520 L5630 E5520 E5620 E5630 L5640 LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel XEON Quad Core L5640
11,60 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowAMD OPTERON Prozessor CPU 6348 OS6348WKTCGHK 2,8 GHz 12 Kerne 12 MB L2 16...
Gebraucht — OK
11,60 €AMD Opte­ron 63489151126612 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5660 CPU 2.8 GHz Six Core 6.4 GT/s QPI 12M 95W LGA 1366 Processor
Gebraucht — working like the new
11,96 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 6 x 2.66 GHz  12M  6,40 GT/s  LGA 1366 Prozessor
11,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 E5645 L5640 LGA1366 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: X5650
11,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2630
11,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 - 2,4 GHz Six Core 12 Threads 12 MB Cache - #0053
Gene­ral­über­holt — Getes­tet und Funk­ti­on OK!
11,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON  X5560 SLBF4   2.80 GHZ LGA 1366 gebraucht
12,00 €
inkl. 2,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6300 series 6320 6328 6344 6348 6366 6376 6378 6380 Socket G34 LOT
Gebraucht — Basi­cal­ly clean and pass the test.
12,00 €AMD Opte­ron 63446032121612 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON X5650 6-Core 2.66GHz 12MB LGA1366 6.4GT/s SLBV3 PROCESSOR
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
12,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 6x 2.66 GHz Six-Core 6-Core | Mac Pro & Server Upgrade
Gebraucht — Getestet.
12,10 €
inkl. 2,20 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Slbwz Xeon E5645 2.4 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
12,16 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel XEON CPU ES-2640 SR0KR 2,50GHZ L222B934 (11)
12,49 €
inkl. 2,49 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 CPU Six Core 2.93 GHz 12MB LGA 1366 SLBV7 Processors
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work..
12,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 CPU Six-Core 2.66 GHz 12MB LGA 1366 SLBV3 Processors
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
12,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right now Intel Xeon X5650 SLBV3  6 x 2.66 GHz / 12M / 6,40 GT/s / LGA 1366 Prozessor
12,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel® Xeon® X5650 2,67GHz 12MB Sockel 1366 95Watt SLBV3
12,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2640
12,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU - Intel Xeon E5-2630V2 - 2,60 GHz - Sockel 2011 - Prozessor
13,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630 v2740715506 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.3GHz 7.2 Gt / S LGA 2011/Sockel R Server CPU SR0KV
13,02 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 CPU 2.2 GHz 6-Cores 15MB LGA 1356 Server Processor
Gebraucht — This guy working good!!!
13,19 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowXeon E5-2630 SR0KV, LGA 2011, 15MB L3,  2.30 GHz, (inkl.19% MwSt)
13,25 €
inkl. 4,85 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel SLBZ8 Xeon E5649 2.53 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
13,49 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5649465112376 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5690 LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon X5650
13,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel xeon E5620 E5630 E5640 E5645 L5640 LGA 1366 PIN Processors ONLY cpu
Gebraucht — Basi­cal­ly clean and pass the test.
MODEL: L5640
13,65 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 X5687 W3690 LGA1366 CPU Processor
Her­stel­ler­num­mer: X5650
13,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 LGA 1356/Sockel B2 2.2GHz Server CPU SR0LM
13,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel xeon E5620 E5630 E5640 E5645 L5640 LGA 1366 PIN Processors ONLY cpu
Gebraucht — Basi­cal­ly clean and pass the test.
MODEL: E5645
13,95 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowProzessor Für Intel Xeon E5-2640 CPU 2.5 GHz 15M Cache 7.20 GT/s LGA 2011 6 Core
13,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 E5645 L5640 LGA1366 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: X5660
13,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowFür Intel Xeon E5-2640 SR0KR 2,5 GHz 15 MB 6-Kern-LGA 2011 B-CPU-Prozessor
13,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 CPU SLBWZ 6x 2,40 GHz Six-Core 6-Core Mac Pro Server Upgrade
14,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SLBWZ Xeon E5645 2.4 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
14,24 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV 2,30GHz LGA2011 Prozessor
14,25 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2440 V2 E5-2450 V2 CPU 8-Cores LGA1356 Server Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Test 100% per­fect work
Model: E5-2420V2
14,66 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL SLBV3 Xeon X5650 Six Core 1.5GHz Socket 1366 Westmere-EP Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Es han­delt sich um Gebraucht­wa­re, wel­che von unse­rem Tech­ni­ker­team getes­tet wurde.
14,67 €
inkl. 3,30 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right now Intel Xeon X5660  6 x 2.8 GHz, 12M  6,40 GT/s / LGA 1366 Prozessor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Top Zustand,Rechnung mit aus­ge­wie­ser­ner MwSt.liegt bei
14,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 2.40GHz Socket LGA1366 Westmere-EP CPU SLBWZ
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and working in good, used condition.
14,81 €
inkl. 8,41 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel SLBV3 Xeon X5650 2.66 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
14,83 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 / SR0KV /  2.30 GHz / LGA 2011
Gebraucht — ✔ Rech­nung ✔ Gewähr­leis­tung ✔ Blitzversand
14,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 - 2,66 GHz Six Core Prozessor ingesamt 50x vorhanden
14,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 Six Core CPU 6x 2.66 GHz, 12 MB Cache, 6.4 GT/s, S. 1366
14,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right now2X Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor LGA1366
Gebraucht — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well. The pri­ce is for refe­rence only, plea­se con­ta­ct us to get an offer.
Pro­ces­sor Type: 2pcs Intel Xeon X5650
14,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 E5645 L5640 LGA1366 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: X5670
14,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel E5-2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2689 2690 LGA 2011 Server-Prozessor
Buy­er buy model: E5-2660
14,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2660794413868 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 (6x 2.30GHz) SR0KV Sockel 2011   #303147
15,00 €
inkl. 3,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right now2x CPU Intel Xeon  X5550  2,66 GHz  SLBF5  8 MB Server CPU
15,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowXeon E5-2630 6 x 2,30GHz bis 2,80GHz Sockel 2011(R)
15,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor LGA1366 für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5650
15,18 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel xeon x5650 x5660 x5670 x5680 x5690 LGA 1366 Processors ONLY CPU wholesale
MODEL: x5650
15,36 €
inkl. 4,43 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 2.66GHz Socket LGA1366 CPU Processor (SLBV3)
15,36 €
inkl. 8,40 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5-2418L E5-2420 E5-2420 V2 E5-2428L CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5-2420V2
15,43 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowCPU INTEL XEON (SLBF4) 4 CORE X5560  2.80-3,20 GHZ - 6.40 GT/S LGA 1366.
15,50 €
inkl. 3,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5690 LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon X5660
15,55 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 12 Core 2.30GHz Processor 6MB L2 12MB L3 OS6176WKTCEGO CPU
Gebraucht — Immedia­te Dis­patch — Plea­se choo­se your pre­fer­red posta­ge / ship­ping opti­ons when che­cking out
15,56 €
inkl. 4,44 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right now(2) Intel Xeon L5640 SLBV8 2.26GHz Processor LGA 1366 CPU 2933 MHz 12MB Six-Core
15,69 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon L5640 2.26GHz LGA 1366/Sockel B Server CPU SLBV8
15,75 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 V2 CPU SR1AM 2.6Ghz 15Mb 7.2GT/s LGA2011 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
15,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630 v2740715506 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 X5687 W3690 LGA1366 CPU Processor
Her­stel­ler­num­mer: X5660
15,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5660621614076 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2420V2 CPU 2.2 GHz 6-Cores 15MB LGA1356 SR1AJ Processor
15,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 E5649 CPU 2.4GHz 2.53GHz 12MB  6-Core LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
Model­le: E5645
15,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU Processor für X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 LGA1366
Model: X5650
15,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 Serverprozessor
15,95 €
inkl. 5,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowLGA1366 CPU Prozessor für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5650
15,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon/ i3/ i5/ i7/ 775/ 1366/ 1156/ 1155/ 1150/ 1151/ 2011 CPU Prozessor
Anzahl der Ker­ne: 6
Sockel­typ: LGA 1366/Sockel B
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon X5650
15,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 - 2.5 GHz - 6 Kerne - 12 Threads
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus Gerä­ten aus­ge­baut, Funk­ti­on getes­tet-> Ein­wand­frei, ohne Verpackung
16,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 12 Core 2.30GHz Prozessor 6MB L2 12MB L3 OS6176WKTCEGO CPU
16,18 €
inkl. 4,57 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2665 SR0L1 2,40GHz LGA2011 Prozessor
16,33 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2665860814478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 SLBWZ 2.40GHz/12MB/5.86GT/s Sockel/Socket LGA1366 Six-Core CPU
16,65 €
inkl. 1,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor Für Intel Xeon E5-2630 V2 2.6 GHz 15MB Cache LGA 2011 SR1AM Server
16,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630 v2740715506 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon  E5-2665 20 MB Cache, 8 x 2,40 GHz, 8,00-GT/s-QPI Prozessor
16,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2665860814478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2665 20 MB Cache / 2,40 GHz Prozessor / SR0LI
Gebraucht — ✔ Rech­nung ✔ Gewähr­leis­tung ✔ Blitzversand
16,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2665860814478 / 16
ebay right nowINTEL XEON 6 Core E5-2630 V2 6x 2.60Ghz SR1AM LGA2011 Server CPU Prozessor #CP01
Gebraucht — gebraucht, getes­tet, 12 Mona­te Gewährleistung
16,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630 v2740715506 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 2.40GHz Socket LGA1366 Processor CPU (SLBWZ)
16,93 €
inkl. 8,84 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E5645 - 6x 2,4Ghz - Sockel 1366
16,94 €
inkl. 1,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel® Xeon® E5 2640 -  6x 2.5 Ghz - Sockel FCLGA2011 - Server
16,94 €
inkl. 1,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640652713886 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5675 - XEON - 6 x 3,06 GHz - 3,06 GHz - Sockel 1366 - 6 Core - X5675
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ebay right nowIntel SR0L1 Xeon E5-2665 2.4 GHZ LGA 2011 Server CPU
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ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 E5649 CPU 2.4GHz 2.53GHz 12MB  6-Core LGA1366 Processor
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ebay right nowIntel Xeon Prozessor E5 2630 V2 6 x 2,6 GHz Sockel 2011 - SR1AM
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ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz LGA 2011/Sockel R 3600MHz Desktop CPU SR0KR
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.30GHz Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU (SR0KV)
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item is ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal and func­tions as inten­ded with evi­dence of light wear and tear. All of our pro­ducts are refurbished/cleaned/tested by our high­ly skil­led in house team. . All pro­ducts from Kel­su­s­IT will come with a mini­mum of 3 mon­ths warran
17,26 €
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Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12