
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (71)
Preis inkl. Versand1318 (8)1820 (8)2026 (8)2636 (8)3846 (8)4659 (8)6073 (8)7399 (8)99139 (8)140160 (4)
ZustandGebraucht (34)Gene­ral­über­holt (25)Neu (12)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (71)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (71)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)400042754280 (5)43004305 (6)43354340 (6)44204425 (4)45354540 (4)45454550 (11)45504555 (19)47154720 (4)51755180 (12)5410
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)135013551356 (19)14271428 (6)14471448 (11)15221523 (12)15241525 (4)15461547 (4)15561557 (4)15761577 (5)15901591 (6)1600
Ker­ne44 (71)4
Threads88 (71)
Basis­takt2,2 GHz2,22,3GHz (6)2,32,4GHz (8)2,42,5GHz (5)2,52,6GHz (4)2,93GHz (19)33,1GHz (11)3,23,3GHz (18)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

71 CPUs 0 Igno­re, von 4000 bis 5410 CPU Mark, von 1350 bis 1600 Thread Mark, bis 4 Ker­ne, ab 2,2 GHz Basistakt
1Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0CPU Mark ≥ 4000CPU Mark ≤ 5410Thread Mark ≥ 1350Thread Mark ≤ 1600Ker­ne ≤ 4Basis­takt ≥ 2,2 GHz
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon X5667 SLBVA Prozessor 3.06 GHz LGA 1366 Sockel
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
13,20 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5667 CPU Quad-Core 3.06GHz 12 M SLBVA LGA 1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
13,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 SLBZ7 2,93 GHz/12M/5.86 LGA1366 QuadCore Prozessor
Gene­ral­über­holt — CPU kön­nen Krat­zer auf der Ober­sei­te haben, die­se beein­träch­ti­gen aber die Funk­ti­on nicht.Abbildung ähnlich.
14,00 €
inkl. 3,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel SLBVA Xeon X5667 3.0 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
14,07 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5672 CPU Quad-Core 3.2GHz 12 M SLBYK LGA 1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work..
15,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 SLBZ7 2.93-3.20GHz, 12M Cache, 4 Core, Socket LGA1366, 130W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
15,51 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 SLBZ7 QuadCore 2,93GHz/12MB/5,86 Prozessor CPU
17,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 SLBZ7 QuadCore 2,93GHz/12MB/5,86 Prozessor CPU
17,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SLBVA Xeon X5667 3.0 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
18,08 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5667 SLBVA 3.06-3.46GHz, 12MB Cache, 4 Core, Socket LGA1366, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
18,13 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5672 - LGA 1366 - 3,20 GHz - Sockel 1366 - Prozessor - SLBYK
18,95 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 CPU 2,93 - 3,2 GHz Quad-Core 8 Threads 12MB Cache LGA1366 X58
Gebraucht — Gebrauch­ter Arti­kel, vom Ver­käu­fer geprüft. Abbil­dung ähnlich.
18,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5667 SLBVA 3,06 GHz LGA1366 QuadCore Prozessor
Gebraucht — CPU kön­nen Krat­zer auf der Ober­sei­te haben, die­se beein­träch­ti­gen aber die Funk­ti­on nicht.Abbildung ähnlich.
19,00 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 CPU Quad-Core 2.93GHz 12 M SLBZ7 LGA 1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
19,20 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5355 X5365 X5470 X5482 X5647 X5650 X5660 LGA 771 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5647
20,60 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right now2xCPU intel xeon x5647, aus Dell Precision T7500, 2,93GHz
21,54 €
inkl. 1,55 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL XEON X5647 SLBZ7 Quad Core Server CPU-2,93GHz/12M/5,86- Sockel LGA1366#518
Gebraucht — Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt. Ein Arti­kel mit Abnut­zungs­spu­ren, aber in gutem Zustand und voll­kom­men funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Bei dem Arti­kel han­delt es sich unter Umstän­den um ein Vor­führ­mo­dell oder um einen Arti­kel, der an den Ver­käu­fer nach Gebrauch zurückgege
22,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5672 SLBYK 3.20-3.60GHz, 12MB Cache, 4 Core, Socket LGA1366, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,40 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5670 X5672 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5672
23,92 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowXeon X5672 SLBYK, LGA 1366, 12 MB Cache, 3,20 GHz  (inkl.19% MwSt)
25,85 €
inkl. 4,85 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel CPU XEON x5647 QuadCore 4-Core SLBZ7 - matched pair
Gebraucht — guter Zustand, getestet
26,00 €
inkl. 4,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel CPU Pentium Xeon / i3 / i5 / i7 LGA 1366 / 1156 / 1155 / 1150 / 775
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gerei­nigt✔ Getes­tet✔ 100% Funk­ti­ons­fä­hig✔ 1 Jahr Gewährleistung✔
Sockel­typ: LGA 1366
CPU: X5667
26,99 €
inkl. 1,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL - X5667 - Intel Xeon X5667 SLBVA 4Core 12M 3.06GHz Processor
27,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL - SLBVA - INTEL XEON QC CPU X5667 12MB 3.06GHZ
28,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 4x2,93 GHz 12MB Intel Smart Cache CPU QUADRO CORE FCLGA1366
29,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon W3680 X5680 X5675 X5670 X5660 X5650 E5649 X5687 X5672 X5647
CPU Aus­wahl: Intel Xeon X5647
29,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right now6 x Intel Xeon Processor CPU SLBZ7 X5647 12 MB Cache 2.93 GHz 4/C 130w JOB LOT
29,93 €
inkl. 8,90 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5677 X5687 X5680 X5690 X5672 X5677 X5675 X5687
Gene­ral­über­holt — nach dem Tes­ten (per­fek­te Arbeit)
Wäh­len Sie: X5672
33,92 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5677 X5687 X5680 X5690 X5672 X5677 X5675 X5687
Gene­ral­über­holt — nach dem Tes­ten (per­fek­te Arbeit)
Wäh­len Sie: X5672
35,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5672 SLBYK Quad-Core 3.20GHz 12MB Socket LGA1366 CPU Processors
38,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL - SLBYK - INTEL CPU Xeon X5672@3.2GHz, 4-Core, 95W
38,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item has been vigo­rous­ly tes­ted to ensu­re in full working con­di­ti­on. Pic­tu­re is for illus­tra­ti­on pur­po­ses only
41,67 €
inkl. 21,93 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Quad-Core X5672 CPU 4/8-Core x 3,60 GHz SLBYK i7-Extrem LGA 1366
Gebraucht — Gebrauch­ter Arti­kel, vom Ver­käu­fer geprüft. Abbil­dung ähnlich.
42,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon W3680 X5680 X5675 X5670 X5660 X5650 E5649 X5687 X5672 X5647
CPU Aus­wahl: Intel Xeon X5672
42,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E3-1235 3,20GHZ to 3,60GHz 8MB 5GT/s 95W LGA1155 PROCESSOR
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
44,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right now2x SLBZ7 - XEON X5647 2.93GHZ 12MB (Matched Pair)
Gene­ral­über­holt — Ful­ly tes­ted and working. This is a used item so may have minor cos­me­tic defects like small scratches
45,43 €
inkl. 29,53 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1235 SR00J 3,20GHz LGA1155 Prozessor
46,49 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Processor  X5667 Quad-Core 12MB 3.06GHz CPU - SLBVA
Gene­ral­über­holt — New Pulls. All CPU’s have been ful­ly tested
46,54 €
inkl. 23,27 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5667454514474 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 (SLBZ7) 2.933GHz 4C/8T Sockel 1366 130W Tray CPU für Server, 1A
Gene­ral­über­holt — Arti­kel ist gebraucht, wur­de vom Ver­käu­fer wie­der­auf­be­rei­tet und befin­det sich in einem ein­wand­frei­en Zustand, Preis pro Stück. Ohne Zubehör/ Kühler.
47,60 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5670 X5672 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5672 DUI
47,87 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5672517915224 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL - SLBZ7 - INTEL CPU Xeon X5647@2,93GHz, 4-Core, 130W
50,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL XEON X5647 CPU PROCESSOR 4 CORE 2.93GHZ 12MB L3 CACHE 130W SLBZ7
Gene­ral­über­holt — This item has been vigo­rous­ly tes­ted to ensu­re in full working con­di­ti­on. Pic­tu­re is for illus­tra­ti­on pur­po­ses only
56,35 €
inkl. 28,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1235 1245 1275 1220 1230 1240 1270 1280 1290 LGA1155 Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon E3-1235
57,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-2720QM 2.2GHz Quad-Core (FF8062700835817) Processor CPU i7 2720QM
58,23 €Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 2720QM Laptop Prozessor
60,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-2760QM 2.4GHz Quad-Core (FF8062701065300) Processor CPU i7 2760QM
62,52 €Intel Core i7-2760­QM Processor427815764 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1235 SR00J 3.2 - 3.6 GHz, 8 MB, 4 Core, Socket LGA1155, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
64,47 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core I7 2620M 2640M 2630QM 2670QM 2720QM 2760QM 2820QM 2860QM notebook-CPU
Buy­er buys pro­ces­sor model: I7 2720QM
67,90 €Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 i7-2630QM i7-2670QM i7-2720QM i7-2760QM Socket G2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i7-2720QM
68,88 €Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-2820QM 2.3GHz Quad-Core (FF8062700834709) Processor CPU i7 2820QM
69,52 €Intel Core i7-2820­QM Processor442315564 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core I7 2620M 2640M 2630QM 2670QM 2720QM 2760QM 2820QM 2860QM notebook-CPU
Buy­er buys pro­ces­sor model: I7 2760QM
71,90 €Intel Core i7-2760­QM Processor427815764 / 8
ebay right now100% OK SR012 Intel Core i7-2820QM 2.3GHz Processor Socket G2 CPU
Neu — Working in gre­at condition
72,42 €Intel Core i7-2820­QM Processor442315564 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-2760QM 2.4 GHz (SR02W) Socket G2 CPU Prozessor 5 GT/s DMI
Neu — working like the new
73,00 €Intel Core i7-2760­QM Processor427815764 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 i7-2630QM i7-2670QM i7-2720QM i7-2760QM Socket G2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i7-2760QM
73,60 €Intel Core i7-2760­QM Processor427815764 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 i7-2820QM i7-2860QM i7-2920XM i7-2960XM Socket G2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i7-2820QM
75,99 €Intel Core i7-2820­QM Processor442315564 / 8
ebay right nowIntel i7 2760QM CPU Processor Laptop 2.4GHz - 3.5GHz Quad Core socket G2 SR02W
77,22 €
inkl. 12,87 € Versand
Intel Core i7-2760­QM Processor427815764 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core I7 2620M 2640M 2630QM 2670QM 2720QM 2760QM 2820QM 2860QM notebook-CPU
Buy­er buys pro­ces­sor model: I7 2820QM
78,90 €Intel Core i7-2820­QM Processor442315564 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 Mobile Extreme Edition i7-2920XM 2.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor CPU
81,75 €Intel Core i7-2920XM Pro­ces­sor Extre­me Edition453715464 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7 i7-2820QM i7-2860QM i7-2920XM i7-2960XM Socket G2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i7-2920XM
88,66 €Intel Core i7-2920XM Pro­ces­sor Extre­me Edition453715464 / 8
ebay right nowINTEL I7-2720QM QUAD CORE 8 THREADS 2.20GHZ (MAX 3.30GHZ) SR014 SOCKET RPGA988B
98,67 €
inkl. 11,09 € Versand
Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowExtreme Edition I7 2920XM Notebook-CPU 2.5-3.5G / 8M SR02E
99,90 €Intel Core i7-2920XM Pro­ces­sor Extre­me Edition453715464 / 8
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad W520 CPU Intel Core i7-2720QM 2.20GHz Processor SR014 04W1360
99,99 €Intel Core i7-2720­QM Processor430114274 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-2920XM i7 2920XM Q1CE  Mobile BGA CPU Prozessor 2.5-3.5G/8M
Gene­ral­über­holt — nach dem Tes­ten (per­fek­te Arbeit)
102,80 €Intel Core i7-2920XM Pro­ces­sor Extre­me Edition453715464 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5647 SLBZ7 2.93GHz Quad Core CPU 12MB 64-bit 32nm Sockel 1366 NEU
Neu — Tray CPU ohne Kühler
104,90 €
inkl. 4,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel SLBZ7 Xeon Quad Core X5647 2.93GHz CPU Prozessor - Getestet - Fast
119,25 €
inkl. 51,11 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5647455313554 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1235 SR00J 3.20GHz 8M 5 GT/s Socket 1155 Quad Core Processor / CPU
Gebraucht — Ful­ly Tes­ted | Immedia­te Dispatch
122,24 €
inkl. 11,63 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1235 SR00J 3.20GHz 8M 5 Gt / S Sockel 1155 Quad Core Prozessor/CPU
127,49 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1235433515904 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-4712MQ SR1PS 2,3GHz 4-Core 8-Thread 37W G3/rPGA946B CPU Processor
138,00 €Intel Core i7-4712MQ Processor471515244 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-4600M 4610M 4700MQ 4702MQ 4710MQ 4712MQ 4800MQ 4810MQ Notebook-CPU
Buy­er buy model: i7-4712MQ
140,90 €Intel Core i7-4712MQ Processor471515244 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-4712MQ 4712MQ SR1PS 2,3GHz Quad-Core G3/rPGA946B Processor CPU DE
Gebraucht — Like New Test funk­tio­niert gut. Danke!
142,99 €Intel Core i7-4712MQ Processor471515244 / 8
ebay right nowIntel Core i7-4712MQ 4712MQ SR1PS 2,3GHz Quad-Core G3/rPGA946B Processor CPU DE
Gebraucht — Like New Test funk­tio­niert gut. Danke!
142,99 €Intel Core i7-4712MQ Processor471515244 / 8