
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (767)
Preis inkl. Versand010 (13)1020 (154)2030 (153)3040 (104)4050 (79)5070 (100)70100 (62)100140 (44)140320 (64)3201800 (32)
ZustandGebraucht (433)Gene­ral­über­holt (296)Neu (38)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (767)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (713)AMD (54)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)400042004900 (88)51005200 (56)52005800 (48)58005900 (76)59006000 (111)60006100 (66)61006200 (48)62006300 (54)64007200 (112)720016400 (102)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)6501075 (96)10901140 (102)11401205 (84)12151240 (92)12451270 (86)12751320 (90)13201325 (85)13251340 (48)13451350 (108)13551370 (6)1380
Ker­ne66 (510)88 (166)1010 (37)1212 (24)1616 (30)16
Threads121212 (533)1616 (193)2020 (37)2424 (1)3232 (3)
Basis­takt1,72GHz (68)22,1GHz (156)2,12,2GHz (66)2,22,3GHz (70)2,32,4GHz (61)2,42,5GHz (104)2,52,6GHz (27)2,62,9GHz (176)2,93GHz (108)3,13,2GHz (4)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

767 CPUs 0 Igno­re, ab 4000 CPU Mark, bis 1380 Thread Mark, bis 16 Ker­ne, ab 12 Threads
1234568Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0CPU Mark ≥ 4000Thread Mark ≤ 1380Ker­ne ≤ 16Threads ≥ 12
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5355 X5365 X5470 X5482 X5647 X5650 X5660 LGA 771 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5650
22,48 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right now2X Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor LGA1366 ##
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well. The pri­ce is for refe­rence only, plea­se con­ta­ct us to get an offer.
Pro­ces­sor Type: 2pcs Intel Xeon X5650
22,49 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 1.9 GHz FSB 3600 SR0LN 1356 Six Core Hexa Sandy Bridge 7.2 GT
22,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420474410196 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon L5630 L5638 L5639 L5640 W5580 W5590 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: L5638 DUI
22,56 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L563842519736 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon-X5670 SLBV7 2,93GHz LGA1366 Prozessor
22,57 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 Six-Core 2.66GHz/12M/6.40 Socket LGA1366 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and over­all in an excel­lent condition
22,58 €
inkl. 8,58 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2440 2.4G 6-Core 15M LGA1356 TPD 95W CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
22,65 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2440606113136 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor LGA1366 für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5670
22,70 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2.30GHz 15MB Hex Core CPU Processor SR0KV LGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gra­de A (tes­ted: ful­ly working) ~ In excel­lent con­di­ti­on ~ Comes in a gene­ric box ~
22,74 €
inkl. 8,60 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 SR0KW Six-Core 2.0GHz/15M/3600 Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and over­all in an excel­lent condition
22,76 €
inkl. 10,55 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620518610946 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Processor X5650 12MB Cache, 2.66 GHz Six Core FC LGA 1366 P/N SLBV3
22,89 €
inkl. 7,90 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5645 SLBWZ Six-Core 2.4GHz/12M/5.86 Socket LGA1366 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Tes­ted and over­all in an excel­lent condition.
22,91 €
inkl. 8,98 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430L V2 Prozessoren 2,4 GHz CPU 6 Cores 15MB 60W SR1B2 FCLGA1356
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
22,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430L v245136506 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630Lv2 2.40GHz / 2.8GHz 15MB LGA2011 Prozessor
Gebraucht — Alle Arti­kel wer­den in unse­rer Werk­statt auf Funk­ti­on hin über­prüft und im Anschluss neu und anti­sta­tisch verpackt.
22,98 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L v2619712956 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430L V2 Prozessoren 2,4 GHz CPU 6 Cores 15MB 60W SR1B2 FCLGA1356
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
22,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430L v245136506 / 12
ebay right now2X Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor LGA1366
Gebraucht — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well. The pri­ce is for refe­rence only, plea­se con­ta­ct us to get an offer.
Pro­ces­sor Type: 2pcs Intel Xeon X5670
22,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 2,3 GHz SR0KV 6 Kerne Prozessor CPU
23,30 €
inkl. 4,30 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L SR0KM 2.00 - 2.50 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA2011, 60W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,33 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon L5630 L5638 L5639 L5640 W5580 W5590 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: L5640 DUI
23,64 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right now2 Stück Intel Xeon E5-2630L  SR0KM  2,00GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
23,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650  SR0KQ  2.00GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
23,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel xeon E5-2620 2Ghz Six Core Processor Sockel LGA 2011
23,78 €
inkl. 3,79 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620518610946 / 12
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SR0LM Xeon E5-2430 LGA 1356/Sockel B2 2.2GHz Server CPU
23,78 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU Processor für X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 LGA1366
Model: X5670
23,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630-V1 (SR0KV) 2.30GHz 6-Core LGA2011 CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — Every pro­ces­sor we sell is stress-tes­ted in a working sys­tem and clea­ned befo­re sale. All of our CPUs come with a 90-day RTB warranty.
23,87 €
inkl. 8,64 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 SLBV7 Six Core 2.93GHz 12MB 6.4GT/s LGA1366 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
23,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowLGA1366 CPU Prozessor für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5670
23,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 2.66-3.06GHz, 12MB Cache, 6 Core, Socket LGA1366, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
23,91 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2440 SR0LK 2.40GHz Socket Sockel LGA 1356 Hexa-Core CPU Processor
23,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2440606113136 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6376 Prozessor 2,3Ghz, 16-Core Sockel G34 OS6376WKTGGHK
24,00 €AMD Opte­ron 63765538115116 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 v2 2.20GHz SR1AJ Six-Core CPU Processor - Socket LGA1356
Gebraucht — Pre-used item — plea­se read descrip­ti­on in full
24,07 €
inkl. 6,85 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E5-2430 CPU SR0LM 6x 2,20GHZ SOCKEL 1356
Gebraucht — Geprüf­te und ein­wand­freie Gebraucht­wa­re mit 12 Mona­ten Gewährleistung
24,25 €
inkl. 4,30 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420474410196 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6344 2.6GHz 12 Core Socket G34 OS6344WKTCGHK CPU Inc. VAT
24,41 €
inkl. 8,63 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 63446032121612 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L - SR0KM Six Core - 2,00GHz - Sockel LGA2011 #385
24,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2620V2 Six Core SR1AN 2.10GHz 15M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2650 Octa Core SR0KQ 2.00GHz 20M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowCPU Intel Xeon E5-2658 Octa Core SR0LZ 2.10GHz 20M LGA 2011 Prozessor
24,63 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2658611511698 / 16
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon E5-2630L V2 CPU 2.4Ghz 6-core 15Mb 7.2GT/s LGA2011 Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
24,65 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L v2619712956 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 (SLBV3) 2.66GHz 6-Core LGA1366 CPU
24,78 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 V2 E5-2440 V2 E5-2450 V2 CPU 8-Cores LGA1356 Server Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — Test 100% per­fect work
Model: E5-2440V2
24,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2440 v262369378 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5650 - 2,66 GHz Six Core (BX80614X5650) Prozessor
24,89 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowfür Intel Xeon X5650 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5660 X5690 LGA1366 CPU Prozessor
Model: X5670
24,89 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 6x2,93GHz 12 MB L3-Cache LGA1366 SLBV7 * Westmere-EP-Kern #4002
24,89 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 (2,00GHz) LGA 2011 CPU Sockel Prozessor 20 MB Cache PC
Gebraucht — Top Preis ✔ Schnel­ler Ver­sand ✔ 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ✔
24,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 - 2,93 GHz Six Core Prozessor Hexa Core f. Apple MacPro 4,1 5,1
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men pro­fes­sio­nell aus­ge­baut, gerei­nigt, getestet
24,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowAMD OPTERON  6176 SE - OS6176YETCEGO - SOCKEL G34 - 12 x 2.3 Ghz SERVER (44)
24,94 €
inkl. 1,99 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 v2 2.20GHz SR1AJ Six-Core CPU Prozessor - Sockel LGA1356
24,96 €
inkl. 6,86 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 v2 - 2,1 GHz Six Core
24,98 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 2,66 GHz/12M/6.40 Six-Core Prozessor
24,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowAMD Opteron 6176 2.30GHZ/12MB Socket G34 OS6176WKTCEG0
Gene­ral­über­holt — “Items are Ful­ly Tes­ted- Immedia­te Dispatch”
25,12 €
inkl. 8,63 € Versand
AMD Opte­ron 6176548378012 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU E5-2650 SR0KQ 8-Core 2,0 GHZ 8,00-GT/s-QPI 20MB Cache FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 SR0KQ 8‑Core 2,0 GHZ 8,00-GT/s‑QPI 20MB Cache FCLGA2011
25,60 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670  SLBV7  2,93 GHz CPU  Sockel 1366
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
25,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowViel 2 Intel SLBV7 Xeon X5670 2.9 GHZ LGA 1366 Server CPU
25,66 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Processor X5670 12M Cache 2.93 GHz 6.40 GT/s Intel QPI SLBV7
25,67 €
inkl. 10,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5677 X5687 X5680 X5690 X5672 X5677 X5675 X5687
Gene­ral­über­holt — nach dem Tes­ten (per­fek­te Arbeit)
Wäh­len Sie: X5670
25,68 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430L 2.00GHz 6-Core 7.20GT/s 15MB LGA1356 60W CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
25,70 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430L529910726 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 SR0KW 2.0 - 2.5 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA2011, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
25,74 €
inkl. 8,20 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620518610946 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 SR0LN 1.9 - 2.4 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA1356, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
25,75 €
inkl. 8,20 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420474410196 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L V2 CPU SR1AZ 2.4Ghz 6-core 15Mb 7.2GT/s LGA2011 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
25,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L v2619712956 / 12
ebay right nowMatching pair Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 CPU 6-Core 6.4Gt/s LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work,Matching pair , Same seri­al number
Model: X5650
25,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL - SLBZ8 - Intel Xeon E5649 2.53GHz 6-Core Processor
25,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5649465112376 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon L5640 2,26 GHz LGA1366 CPU Sockel Prozessor 12 MB Cache PC
Gebraucht — Top Preis ✔ Schnel­ler Ver­sand ✔ 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ✔
26,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV - Six Core - 2,30GHz - 15M - Sockel LGA2011 #923
26,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Prozessor X5670 - 6 x 2,93GHz - SLBV7 - Sockel 1366 - mit Rechnung
26,55 €
inkl. 1,55 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 2.00GHz Socket LGA2011 Processor CPU (SR0KQ)
26,63 €
inkl. 9,10 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right now2 Stück Intel Xeon E5-2630  SR0KV  2,30 GHz CPU  Sockel 2011
Gebraucht — Gebraucht, Gerei­nigt, Getestet !
26,65 €
inkl. 3,75 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon L3406 L3426 L5630 L5638 L5639 L5640 LGA1366 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: L5640
26,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620V2 SR1AN  2.10Ghz CPU Socket Processor
26,89 €
inkl. 11,82 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz Server CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR0KQ LGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650725012478 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 (SR19Z) 2GHz/ Eight Core / 20M / 2011 Server Processor
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 V2 CPU 2.10GHz 6Core 15M SR1AN LGA2011 Processor
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work
26,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630-V1 (SR0KV) 2.30GHz 6-Core LGA2011 CPU
27,16 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Prozessor CPU XEON / E5645 6C 2,4 12M 5,86Gt 80W
27,33 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 | Sockel 1356 | 2,20 GHz |
27,40 €
inkl. 5,40 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 SR0LM 2,2 GHz 6-Kern-LGA 1356-CPU-Prozessor * km
27,44 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Prozessor CPU XEON / E5645 6C 2,4 12M 5,86Gt 80W
27,45 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Prozessor CPU XEON / E5645 6C 2,4 12M 5,86Gt 80W
27,45 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5677 X5687 X5680 X5690 X5672 X5677 X5675 X5687
Gene­ral­über­holt — nach dem Tes­ten (per­fek­te Arbeit)
Wäh­len Sie: X5650
27,47 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5670 X5672 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5670
27,49 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640 V2 Prozessoren 2,0 GHz CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR19Z FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
27,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2430 | Sockel 1356 | 2,20 GHz | Prozessor (A8)
27,50 €
inkl. 5,30 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowE5-2640 V2 Intel Xeon Prozessoren 2,0 GHz CPU 8 Cores 20MB 95W SR19Z FCLGA2011
Gene­ral­über­holt — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well.
27,50 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2640v2 SR19Z 2,00GHz LGA2011 Prozessor
27,77 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2640 v2715412178 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 SLBV7 6x 2.93 GHz SIX-Core CPU Sockel 1366 für Mac Pro 4,1 5,1
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Ware befin­det sich in einem optisch sowie tech­nisch guten Zustand, wur­de sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und gerei­nigt. Opti­sche Gebrauchs­spu­ren oder klei­ne­re Krat­zer kön­nen vor­han­den sein.
27,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5670 2.93GHz CPU *Custom Bulk Deals* *See Description/Send Message*
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
27,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5670597813466 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL - X5650 - Intel Xeon X5650 SLBV3 6Core 12M 2.66 GHz Processor
27,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5650589413226 / 12
ebay right now2 x Intel Xeon E5-2420v2 SR1AJ 2,20GHz Sockel : FCLGA1356 Prozessor
27,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2450L 1.8GHz 8 Core SR0LH LGA1356 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
27,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2450L56259968 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2450L 1.8 GHz 8 Core 20MB LGA1356 70W SR0LH CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
27,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2450L56259968 / 16
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5649 (6x 2.53GHz) SLBZ8 CPU Sockel 1366   #305909
28,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5649465112376 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2650L 1,80GHz to 2,30GHz 20MB 8GT/s FCLGA2011 SR0KL Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
28,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2650L583610978 / 16
ebay right nowIntel CPU Xeon E5-2430 - Hexa Core - 2,20GHz - 15MB -  SR0LM - Socket FCLGA1356
28,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2430575611966 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630L Prozessor CPU 2,50GHz FC LGA 2011 42,6GB/s 60W 6 Kern 15MB
Gebraucht — Gebrauch­ter Arti­kel, vom Ver­käu­fer geprüft. Abbil­dung ähnlich.
28,40 €
inkl. 4,90 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630L547311776 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2420 v2 SR1AJ 2.20 - 2.70 GHz,15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA1356,80W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
28,58 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2420 v2610013216 / 12
ebay right nowSLBV8 INTEL CPU Xeon L5640 2.26GHz 12M 5.86 Socket 1366 (LGA1366)
Gebraucht — funktionstüchtig,gebraucht
28,59 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor L5640487411446 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon SR0KV E5-2630 2.30GHz 6 Core 15MB Cache Socket 2011 Processor CPU
Gebraucht — Immedia­te Dis­patch — Plea­se choo­se your pre­fer­red posta­ge / ship­ping opti­ons when che­cking out
28,66 €
inkl. 16,54 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2630 SR0KV 2.30 - 2.80 GHz, 15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA2011, 95W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
28,73 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2630605012756 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E5-2620 v2 SR1AN 2.10 - 2.60 GHz,15MB, 6 Core, Socket LGA2011,80W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
28,73 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5-2620 v2624513156 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5645 E5649 E5-2603 E5-2603 V2 E5-2609 V2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5645 DUI
28,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon E5645 E5649 E5-2603 E5-2603 V2 E5-2609 V2 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: E5645 DUI
28,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E5645468611356 / 12