
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (642)
Preis inkl. Versand60 €6070 (83)7080 (77)8090 (66)90100 (55)100120 (74)120150 (54)150170 (58)170200 (64)200290 (80)2901350 (64)
ZustandGebraucht (314)Gene­ral­über­holt (130)Neu (198)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (642)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (545)AMD (97)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)400040004425 (48)44254625 (52)46255150 (64)51505300 (38)53005475 (60)55005600 (88)56506200 (94)62006775 (48)67756850 (58)68758225 (32)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)16701930 (64)19302080 (32)20802100 (82)21002120 (84)21202130 (52)21302160 (54)21802270 (64)22902490 (106)25002560 (70)26002860 (40)
Ker­ne222 (87)44 (555)6
Threads444 (642)4
Basis­takt22,6GHz (44)2,73GHz (46)33,1GHz (59)3,13,2GHz (45)3,23,3GHz (92)3,33,4GHz (68)3,43,5GHz (60)3,53,6GHz (93)3,63,7GHz (85)3,74,3GHz (44)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

642 CPUs 0 Igno­re, ab 60 €, ab 4000 CPU Mark, von 2 bis 6 Ker­ne, 4 Threads
12347Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≥ 60 €CPU Mark ≥ 4000Ker­ne ≥ 2Ker­ne ≤ 6Threads ≥ 4Threads ≤ 4
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4690 (4x 3.50GHz) SR1QH Prozessor CPU
60,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor555021814 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor i3 2100 2120 2130 3210 3220 3240 3250 4130 4150 4160 4170 4330 uvm
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men entnommen.
Pro­zes­sor­typ: i3-6300
60,00 €Intel Core i3-6300 Processor444123432 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5 4690K 4x 3.50GHz Sockel 1150
60,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3550S  SR03P  3.00GHz Processor CPU CPU 5
60,14 €
inkl. 9,96 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3550S Processor444219944 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core CPU i3 / i5 / i7 LGA 1155 / 1150 / 1151 2 | 4 Kerne Prozessor
Gebraucht — Geprüft — Lager­wa­re — 12 Mona­te Gewährleistung
LGA: 1150
Model: i5-4590S
60,90 €Intel Core i5-4590S Processor518420904 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5 4670K 3.40-3.80GHz + Arctic Freezer 13 + Wärmeleitpaste
60,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4590 Quad Core CPU 4x 3,3 GHz - 3,7 GHz Turbo - LGA1150 Prozessor
Gebraucht — Sehr guter Zustand!
61,04 €
inkl. 5,49 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4590 Processor530420814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3550S 3.0GHz Quad Core 6MB 5GT/s CPU Processor LGA 1155 SR0P3
61,46 €
inkl. 9,15 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3550S Processor444219944 / 4
ebay right now Intel Core i5-4590T Haswell Processor, 2.0 GHz,Quad Core, 6M Cache, FCLGA1150
61,72 €
inkl. 9,38 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5 4670K SR14A 3,40 - 3,80 Ghz Prozessor CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — geprüft und gereinigt
61,99 €Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5 4670K 4x 3.40GHz Sockel 1150 Quad-Core Prozessor max. 3.80GHz
Gebraucht — Sie bie­ten auf gebrauch­te, geprüf­te und tech­nisch ein­wand­freie Ware.
62,50 €Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowINTEL XEON E3-1226V3 SR1R0 - Quad Core - 3,30GHz - 8MB - Sockel 1150 #863
Gebraucht — Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt. Ein Arti­kel mit Abnut­zungs­spu­ren, aber in gutem Zustand und voll­kom­men funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Bei dem Arti­kel han­delt es sich unter Umstän­den um ein Vor­führ­mo­dell oder um einen Arti­kel, der an den Ver­käu­fer nach Gebrauch zurückgege
62,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1226 v3552420724 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570S (SR14J) - 2,90 GHz / 6 MB / Sockel 1150 / Haswell...
Gebraucht — Der Arti­kel ist in per­fek­tem, aus­ge­zeich­ne­tem, bril­lan­tem kos­me­ti­schem und funk­tio­nel­lem Zustand, neu­er Pull
62,69 €
inkl. 7,20 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4570S Processor501220314 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core CPU i3 / i5 / i7 LGA 1155 / 1150 / 1151 2 | 4 Kerne Prozessor
Gebraucht — Geprüft — Lager­wa­re — 12 Mona­te Gewährleistung
LGA: 1150
Model: i5-4590T
62,90 €Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4670K 3.40GHz Socket LGA1150 Processor CPU (SR14A)
Gebraucht — Item in excel­lent con­di­ti­on. Remo­ved from working sys­tem and ful­ly tested.
62,98 €
inkl. 10,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4690K 3.50GHz Socket LGA1150 Processor CPU (SR21A)
Gebraucht — Item in excel­lent con­di­ti­on. Remo­ved from working sys­tem and ful­ly tested.
62,98 €
inkl. 10,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-2500K SR008 Socket 1155 CPU Processor LGA1155 6MB 3.30GHz 5GT/s
62,98 €
inkl. 2,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2500K Processor407216794 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3570K 3.4 GHz Quad-Core s.1155 3rd Gen UNBOXED CPU Processor ONLY
63,02 €
inkl. 16,33 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3570K Processor490720284 / 4
ebay right nowIntel SR1S6 Core i5 4590T 2.00GHz processor CPU
Gebraucht — Good con­di­ti­on, per­fect­ly working.
63,03 €
inkl. 10,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4670S SR14K 3,10GHz LGA1150 Prozessor
63,13 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670S Processor532921444 / 4
ebay right nowIntel SR1QH Core i5-4690 3.50GHz LGA1150 Quad-Core CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Good Con­di­ti­on, Per­fect­ly Working
63,17 €
inkl. 10,52 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor555021814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3570 SR0T7 ''Ivy Bridge'' 4 Core,LGA1155, Clock 3.4 - 3.8 GHz CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
63,24 €Intel Core i5-3570 Processor490820454 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1226 v3 SR1R0 3.3 - 3.7 GHz, 8 MB, 4 Core, Socket LGA1150, 84W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
63,24 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1226 v3552420724 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Intel Core i5-4570 SR14E Quad Core 3.20 GHZ 6M Buchse LGA 1150 Prozessor i5
63,62 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4570 Processor514820114 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4440S 2,8GHz Processor Socket 1150 SR14L CM8064601465804
Gebraucht — Basi­cal­ly clean and pass the test.
63,72 €Intel Core i5-4440S Processor440118384 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570S 2.90GHz 6MB Cache Quad Socket 1150 CPU Processor SR14J
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
63,80 €Intel Core i5-4570S Processor501220314 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 CPU; LGA 1151; 3.70 GHz
Gene­ral­über­holt — Der Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt und hat dem­nach nor­ma­le gebrauchsspuren.
63,90 €
inkl. 4,00 € Versand
Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Prozessor CPU i5 4690S  4x 3,2Ghz bis 3,9Ghz LGA1150
63,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690S Processor528522074 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4690K 3.50-3.90GHz, 4xCore, Sockel 1155, HD-Grafik 4600 + Lüfter
63,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-2500K SR008 ''Sandy Bridge'' 4 Core, LGA1155, Clock 3.3-3.7GHz CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
64,10 €Intel Core i5-2500K Processor407216794 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5 4570 - 3,20 GHz Quad-Core 6M ; CPU ; Prozessor ; SR14E ; LGA1150
64,50 €
inkl. 4,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4570 Processor514820114 / 4
ebay right nowIntel XEON E3-1226 v3 3.3GHz S.1150 SR1R0
64,68 €
inkl. 5,84 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1226 v3552420724 / 4
ebay right nowCore i5-3470S SR0TA, LGA 1155, 6MB L3, 2,9 GHz, (inkl.19% MwSt)
64,85 €
inkl. 4,85 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3470S Processor429219034 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570S 2.90GHz 6MB Cache Quad Socket 1150 CPU Processor SR14J
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
64,89 €Intel Core i5-4570S Processor501220314 / 4
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Core I5-3340 3.1Ghz
64,89 €
inkl. 7,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3340 Processor426017884 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5- 4690K 3.5 GHz Sockel 1150
64,90 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670 Processor551421464 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Intel Core i5-4460
Gebraucht — … getes­tet, iO.
64,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4460 Processor477018864 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4670K CPU
65,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor i5 3330 2320 2310 4570 3470 4440 2400 2500 4570S 3470S Intel  uvm
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men entnommen.
Pro­zes­sor­typ: i5-4690
65,00 €Intel Core i5-4690 Processor555021814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel CPU Core i5-4590 SR1QJ 4 x 3.30GHz               LGA 1150/Sockel    4 Kern
Gebraucht — Geprüf­te Gebraucht­wa­re — in sehr gutem Zustand!
65,00 €Intel Core i5-4590 Processor530420814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3450 3450 - 3,1 GHz Quad-Core (BX80637I53450) Prozessor
65,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3450 Processor443618764 / 4
ebay right nowintel i5-4430S SR14M QUAD CORE 2.70 GHZ CPU
Gebraucht — Per­fect con­di­ti­on. Stored and hand­led folowing ESD guidelines.
65,00 €
inkl. 10,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4430 Processor466918154 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Quad-Core i5-4690K, Sockel 1150, freier Multiplikator, interne Grafik
Gebraucht — Aus lau­fen­dem Sys­tem ausgebaut
65,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowSR1S6 Intel i5-4590T 2,00 GHz 3,00 GHz 6M 4-Kerne 4-Threads LGA 1150 Desktop CPU
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
65,00 €Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4670K 3,4 GHz Quad-Core Prozessor (BX80646I54670K) Sockel 1150
65,00 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670K Processor559021584 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1225 V2 (SR0PJ) 3.20GHz 4-Core LGA1155 CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — Every pro­ces­sor we sell is stress-tes­ted in a working sys­tem and clea­ned befo­re sale. All of our CPUs come with a 90-day RTB warranty.
65,41 €
inkl. 10,54 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1225 v2472519574 / 4
ebay right nowIntel i5-4690K 3,5-3,9 GHz , LGA 1150, gebraucht,gereinigt,getestet
Gene­ral­über­holt — Alle von uns ange­bo­te­nen CPUs und Spei­cher sind gebraucht,gereinigt und getestet.Da es sich um gebrauch­te Arti­kel handelt,können die­se Res­te von Anhaf­tun­gen oder Krat­zer aufweisen.
65,45 €
inkl. 5,95 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-2500 3.3GHz LGA1155 SR00T
65,91 €
inkl. 5,84 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2500 Processor403716814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core I5-3450 3.1GHz LGA1155 SR0PF
65,91 €
inkl. 5,84 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3450 Processor443618764 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500 6500 - 3,2 GHz Quad-Core (CM8066201920404) Prozessor
65,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6500 Processor566921264 / 4
ebay right nowSR1QN Intel Core i5-4590S Prozessor 6M Cache 3,00 GHz Quad-Core LGA 1150 CPU
Gebraucht — Packing after clea­ning. **GIFT * * small bag of heat dis­si­pa­ting sili­ca gel.
66,76 €Intel Core i5-4590S Processor518420904 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Intel Core i5-4590 SR1QJ Quad Core 3.30 GHZ 6M Buchse LGA 1150 Prozessor i5
66,76 €
inkl. 10,95 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4590 Processor530420814 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4670S SR14D 3.10GHZ
66,80 €
inkl. 3,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670S Processor532921444 / 4
ebay right nowINTEL CORE i5 SR1QN i5-4590S 3,00GHz LGA1150 CPU PROCESSOR
66,98 €
inkl. 6,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4590S Processor518420904 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1225 V2 (SR0PJ) 3.20GHz 4-Core LGA1155 Prozessor
67,18 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1225 v2472519574 / 4
ebay right nowIntel SR14D Core i5-4670 3.4GHz LGA1150 Quad-Core CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Good Con­di­ti­on, Per­fect­ly Working.
67,59 €
inkl. 9,30 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670 Processor551421464 / 4
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Core I5-3470 3.2Ghz 6Mo 5GT/S FCLGA1155 Quad Core SR0T8
67,85 €Intel Core i5-3470 Processor466519284 / 4
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Xeon E3-1225 v2 SR0PJ 3.2Ghz 8Mo Quad Core FCLGA1155 5GT/S
67,85 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1225 v2472519574 / 4
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Core I5-2500 3.3Ghz 6Mo 5GT/S LGA1155 Quad Core SR00T
67,85 €Intel Core i5-2500 Processor403716814 / 4
ebay right nowProzessor CPU INTEL Core I5-3340 3.1Ghz 6Mo SR0YZ 5GT/S LGA1155 Quad Core
67,85 €Intel Core i5-3340 Processor426017884 / 4
ebay right nowSR1S6 Intel i5-4590T 2,00 GHz 3,00 GHz 6M 4-Kerne 4-Threads LGA 1150 Desktop CPU
Gebraucht — We will test and clean in detail befo­re shipment.
67,92 €Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel SR14D Core i5-4670 3.4GHz LGA1150 Quad-Core CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Used item in working condition
67,94 €
inkl. 15,23 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4670 Processor551421464 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3330 CPU Prozessor Buchse LGA 1155 Für Desktop Computer PC Starr
67,98 €
inkl. 7,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3330 Processor410717234 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570T i5-4590T i5-4670T i5-4690T LGA 1150 Socket H3 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i5-4590T
67,99 €Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500 6500 - 3,2 GHz Quad-Core Prozessor SR2L6 mit Kühler
67,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6500 Processor566921264 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz, Quad Core Prozessor
68,00 €Intel Core i5-6500 Processor566921264 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500 CPU; LGA 1151; 3.20 GHz
Gene­ral­über­holt — Der Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt und hat dem­nach nor­ma­le gebrauchsspuren.
68,90 €
inkl. 4,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6500 Processor566921264 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570T i5-4590T i5-4670T i5-4690T LGA 1150 Socket H3 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i5-4670T
68,99 €Intel Core i5-4670T Processor431717354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4690S (4x 3.20 GHz) CPU Prozessor SR1QP Sockel 1150 (#3489)
69,00 €Intel Core i5-4690S Processor528522074 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4690K 3,50GHz to 3,90GHz 6MB 5GT/s 88W Devil's Canyon FCLGA1150
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
69,00 €Intel Core i5-4690K Processor545521354 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-3350P Quad Core LGA1155 SR0WS 3rd Gen 6MB 3.10GHz Processor CPU
Gebraucht — As with most second user pro­ces­sors, the­re may be marks / scrat­ches / scuffs / resi­du­al dust / resi­du­al ther­mal pas­te etc — this is expec­ted and does not effect the func­tio­n­a­li­ty of the pro­duct — it is only cosmetic.
69,78 €
inkl. 11,62 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3350P Processor422817744 / 4
ebay right nowINTEL CORE i5-4590T 2,00GHz to 3,00GHz 6MB 5GT/s 35W Haswell  FCLGA1150
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – 100% Vollfunktionsfähig***
69,90 €Intel Core i5-4590T Processor414416844 / 4
ebay right nowIntel® Core™ Prozessor i3-6100 3,70 GHz,  FCLGA1151, DDR4 DDR3L, SR2HG
69,90 €
inkl. 4,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570S 4570S - 2,9 GHz Quad-Core (BX80646I54570S) Prozessor
Gebraucht — Der Pro­zes­sor samt Stock-Küh­ler war bis zur Demon­ta­ge im pro­duk­ti­vem Ein­satz. Vor dem Ein­satz emp­feh­len wir die Wär­me­leit­pas­te neu auf­zu­tra­gen (nicht im Ange­bot enthalten)
69,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4570S Processor501220314 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3.70GHZ CPU Sockel 1151 Prozessor
69,99 €Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3.70GHZ CPU Sockel 1151 Prozessor
69,99 €Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3.70GHZ CPU Sockel 1151 Prozessor
69,99 €Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3.70GHZ CPU Sockel 1151 Prozessor
69,99 €Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3.70GHZ CPU Sockel 1151 Prozessor
69,99 €Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570T i5-4590T i5-4670T i5-4690T LGA 1150 Socket H3 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Core i5-4690T
69,99 €Intel Core i5-4690T Processor429619084 / 4
ebay right nowB75 Motherboard Set mit Intel Core LGA 1155 I5 3570 CPU-UnterstüTzung DDR3 me
69,99 €Intel Core i5-3570 Processor490820454 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6400 Quad-Core Prozessor
69,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6400 Processor515019684 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1220 v5 - LGA 1151 -
69,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1220 v5608421024 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500 - 3,2 GHz Quad-Core CPU LGA 1151
70,00 €Intel Core i5-6500 Processor566921264 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor i5 3330 2320 2310 4570 3470 4440 2400 2500 4570S 3470S Intel  uvm
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men entnommen.
Pro­zes­sor­typ: i5-6400
70,00 €Intel Core i5-6400 Processor515019684 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor i3 2100 2120 2130 3210 3220 3240 3250 4130 4150 4160 4170 4330 uvm
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men entnommen.
Pro­zes­sor­typ: i3-6320
70,00 €Intel Core i3-6320 Processor467224012 / 4
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor i3 2100 2120 2130 3210 3220 3240 3250 4130 4150 4160 4170 4330 uvm
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men entnommen.
Pro­zes­sor­typ: i3-7100
70,00 €Intel Core i3-7100 Processor429022932 / 4
ebay right now Intel Core I5-6400 2.70Ghz
Gebraucht — 100% Voll Funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Ein­wand­freie Zustand ist Garantiert!
70,00 €Intel Core i5-6400 Processor515019684 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1225 V2 (SR0PJ) 3.20GHz 4-Core LGA1155 CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — Every pro­ces­sor we sell is stress-tes­ted in a working sys­tem and clea­ned befo­re sale. All of our CPUs come with a 90-day RTB warranty.
70,19 €
inkl. 10,65 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1225 v2472519574 / 4
ebay right nowIntel i3-6100  3,7 GHz  LGA 1151 , gebraucht,gereinigt.getestet
Gene­ral­über­holt — Alle von uns ange­bo­te­nen Spei­cher und CPUs sind gebraucht,gereinigt und getestet
70,21 €
inkl. 5,95 € Versand
Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-6500T Quadcore - 6th Generation
Gebraucht — 6 MB Cache, bis zu 3,10 GHz
70,49 €
inkl. 5,49 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6500T Processor497319094 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i3-6100 SR2HG 3,70GHz LGA1151 Prozessor
71,45 €
inkl. 4,89 € Versand
Intel Core i3-6100 Processor418322562 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Core i5-4570 Prozessor 3,2 GHz 6 MB LGA 1150 (Gebraucht / V4G1
71,59 €Intel Core i5-4570 Processor514820114 / 4
ebay right nowIntel Xeon E3-1225 V2 (SR0PJ) 3.20GHz 4-Core LGA1155 CPU
71,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor E3-1225 v2472519574 / 4
ebay right nowCPU  Intel Core i5-3450   3,1GHz quad --Core  Prozessor  LGA 1155
72,00 €
inkl. 3,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3450 Processor443618764 / 4
ebay right nowAMD Athlon 200GE 3.2 GHz Dual-Core 4 Threads 5MB Socket AM4 35W CPU Processor
72,49 €AMD Ath­lon PRO 200GE401917682 / 4
ebay right nowAMD Athlon 200GE 3,2 GHz Dual-Core 4 Threads 5MB Sockel AM4 35W CPU Prozessor
72,99 €AMD Ath­lon PRO 200GE401917682 / 4
ebay right nowAMD Athlon 200GE 3.2 GHz CPU Dual-Core 4 Threads AM4 35W +Radeon Vega 3 Graphics
72,99 €AMD Ath­lon PRO 200GE401917682 / 4
ebay right nowINTEL I5 3470s / 4x2,9GHZ / IVY BRIDGE / S1155 _ GREAT PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR PC
72,99 €
inkl. 6,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3470S Processor429219034 / 4
ebay right nowINTEL I5 3470s / 4x2,9GHZ / IVY BRIDGE / S1155 _ GREAT PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR PC
72,99 €
inkl. 6,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3470S Processor429219034 / 4