
Suche und Ver­glei­che 20.000 gebrauch­te und neue Pro­zes­so­ren ahand Bench­ma­kr­er­geb­nis­sen, Kern­an­zahl, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (42)
Preis inkl. Versand4057.5 (8)65.569 (4)6972 (4)73.576 (4)77.579.5 (4)79.580 (4)81.590 (4)97100.5 (4)105110 (4)114.5130 (8)130 €
ZustandGebraucht (32)Gene­ral­über­holt (9)Neu (1)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (42)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (42)
CPUIntel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)4000 (42)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark) (42)
Ker­ne66 (42)6
Threads1212 (42)
Basis­takt3,43,5GHz (42)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

42 CPUs 0 Igno­re, bis 130 €, mit Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690, ab 4000 CPU Mark, bis 6 Kerne
1Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≤ 130 €CPU: Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690CPU Mark ≥ 4000Ker­ne ≤ 6
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5690 X5687 W3690 LGA1366 CPU Processor
Her­stel­ler­num­mer: X5690
40,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 6x 3.46 GHz 6-Core ≈ W3690 | Mac Pro & Server upgrade
Gebraucht — (Comes with CPU only, no coo­ler) Without Ori­gi­nal Package!
44,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46GHZ Six Core LGA1366 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Plea­se check com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty befo­re purchase
51,33 €
inkl. 10,47 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz Socket LGA1366 Processor CPU (SLBVX)
55,04 €
inkl. 9,24 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Processor X5690 12M Cache 3.46 GHz 6.40 GT/s Intel QPI SLBVX
57,19 €
inkl. 10,50 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowOriginal Intel Xeon X5690 SLBVX Prozessor 3.46 GHz LGA 1366 Sockel
Gene­ral­über­holt — 100% getes­tet und bestä­tigt gute Arbeit
57,32 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5690 LGA1366 Processor
Gebraucht — Choo­se the model you need!!!
Pro­zes­sor­typ: Intel Xeon X5690
57,40 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 3.46 GHz 6 Core LGA 1366 X58 i7 990X HP Dell Apple Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — Unit pul­led from working enter­pri­se unit, tes­ted and ful­ly working. Will come pro­fes­sio­nal­ly packed with non-manu­fac­tu­rer packaging.
65,72 €
inkl. 9,51 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 CPU Six Core 3.46 GHz 12MB LGA 1366 SLBVX Processors
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work。。
Num­ber: 1pc
65,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 CPU 3.46GHz SLBVX 12MB 6-Core LGA1366 Processor
68,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 3.46GHz 6-Cores 12MB 6.40GT/s LGA-1366 CPU Processor
68,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz 12MB 6-Cores 6.40GT/s LGA1366 SLBVX Processor CPU
69,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel xeon x5650 x5660 x5670 x5680 x5690 LGA 1366 Processors ONLY CPU wholesale
MODEL: x5690
69,43 €
inkl. 4,43 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 / 6x 3,46 GHz / SLBVX Six-Core 6-Core Socket 1366 Sockel B
71,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Processor CPU SLBVX X5690 12 MB L3 Cache 3.46 GHz 6 Core 6.4GT/s 130w
73,57 €
inkl. 9,62 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowintel Xeon X5670 X5672 X5675 X5677 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
model: X5690
73,79 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowSLBVX 6 CPU X5690 Xeon 6.4GT/s Core 12MB 3.46GHz Processor Intel 1333MHz
75,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowCPU Prozessor LGA1366 für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5690
75,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowMatched Pair Intel Xeon X5690 6 Core 3.46GHz 6.4GT/s 12MB 1333GHz LGA1366 CPU
77,99 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz 6 Core SLBVX Mac Pro Server Workstation Processor
78,88 €
inkl. 9,79 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 3.46GHZ
Gebraucht — ✔ Rech­nung ✔ Gewähr­leis­tung ✔ Blitzversand
79,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46 GHz Six Core 12MB LGA1366 130W CPU Processor
Gebraucht — Tes­ted (per­fect work)
79,80 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon CPU Processor für X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 LGA1366
Model: X5690
79,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowLGA1366 CPU Prozessor für Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690
Model: X5690
79,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowfür Intel Xeon X5650 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5660 X5690 LGA1366 CPU Prozessor
Model: X5690
79,98 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowlntel X5690 Six-Core 3.46Ghz /L3=12M/130W Socket LGA 1366 Desktop CPU Processor
81,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz CPU *Custom Bulk Deals* *See Description/Send Message*
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
87,38 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 3.46-3.73GHz, 12M Cache, 6 Core, Socket LGA1366, 130W CPU
Gene­ral­über­holt — This pro­duct has been inspec­ted, clea­ned and repai­red to meet manu­fac­tu­rer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and is in excel­lent condition.
89,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowfür Intel Processor CPU Xeon X5690 SLBVX 6 6.4GT/s  1333 MHz Core 3.46GHz 12MB
89,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right now2pcs Intel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz SLBVX 12MB 6-Core LGA1366 Matching Pair Processor
97,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3,46GHz to 3,73GHz 12MB 6.4GT/s 130W FCLGA1366 Processor
Gene­ral­über­holt — ***Gene­ral­über­holt – Vollfunktionsfähig***
99,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right now2x Intel Xeon X5690 3.46GHz 12MB 6-Cores 6.40GT/s LGA1366 SLBVX Matching Pair
100,00 €
inkl. 4,00 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon Prozessor X5690 12M Cache 3,46 GHz 6,40 GT / s Intel QPI X1E5
100,26 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowINTEL XEON 6 CORE PROCESSOR X5690 3.46GHZ 12MB SMART CACHE CPU AT80614005913AB
Gebraucht — Used, an item that has been used pre­vious­ly. The item may have some signs of cos­me­tic wear, but is ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal and func­tions as inten­ded, the working con­di­ti­on is good.
105,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right now2X Intel Xeon X5650 X5660 X5670 X5675 X5680 X5687 X5690 CPU Processor LGA1366
Gebraucht — offi­cial final ver­si­on, not ES / QS or any engi­nee­ring test ver­si­on. All tes­ted, work well. The pri­ce is for refe­rence only, plea­se con­ta­ct us to get an offer.
Pro­ces­sor Type: 2pcs Intel Xeon X5690
105,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 SLBVX 3.46GHz 6-Core Mac Pro 5,1 (2010-2012) + Upgrade Tool Kit
Gene­ral­über­holt — GERMAN: Gebraucht. Aus­ge­zeich­ne­ter Zustand. Das Pro­dukt wur­de pro­fes­sio­nell getes­tet und gerei­nigt. Tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. 1 Jahr Garan­tie. Preis inkl. MwSt. —/////— ENGLISH: Used. Excel­lent con­di­ti­on. The pro­duct has been pro­fes­sio­nal­ly tes­ted and cl
109,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 3,46 GHz Six Core Prozessor Apple Mac Pro 4,1 5,1 CPU eq. W3690
Gene­ral­über­holt — Aus lau­fen­den Sys­te­men pro­fes­sio­nell aus­ge­baut, gerei­nigt, getestet
109,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 - 3,46 GHz Six Core (BX80614X5690) Prozessor
114,99 €
inkl. 4,99 € Versand
Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowPAIR of 2Intel Xeon X5690 3,46 GHz 6-Core 12M Prozessor Sockel 1366 CPU
Gebraucht — Getes­tet und ein­wand­frei­em Zustand. Bil­der nur als Refe­renz, es wird eini­ge Krat­zer haben.
120,00 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowMatching pair Intel Xeon X5670 X5675 X5687 X5680 X5690 CPU LGA1366 Processors
Gebraucht — Test 100% Per­fect Work,Matching pair , Same seri­al number
Model: X5690
127,88 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 6-Core 3,46 GHz Sockel LGA 1366 CPU SLBVX für Mac Pro 4,1 5,1
129,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12
ebay right nowIntel Xeon X5690 6-Core 3,46 GHz Sockel LGA 1366 CPU SLBVX für Mac Pro 4,1 5,1
129,90 €Intel Xeon Pro­ces­sor X5690687915836 / 12