
Suche und Ver­glei­che 25.000 gebrauch­te Note­books anhand Bench­mar­k­ergeb­nis­se, Dis­play-Größe, Kern­an­zahl, SSD-Kapa­zi­tät, RAM-Größe, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (11528)
Preis inkl. Versand350 €350369 (1040)369380 (976)380399 (1088)399419 (1792)419440 (1720)440455 (1240)455465 (816)465480 (1368)480490 (752)490501 (1696)500 €
ZustandGebraucht (4647)Gene­ral­über­holt (6687)Neu (194)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (24)Acer (94)Ali­en­wa­re (Dell) (1)Apple (6)ASUS (90)Chu­wi (3)CLEVO (2)Dell (2664)Fuji­tsu (851)Getac (7)GIGABYTE (8)HP (2356)Hua­wei (6)Leno­vo (4934)MEDION (11)Micro­soft (83)MSI (2)Pana­so­nic (298)Sam­sung (4)Schen­ker (1)Sony (6)Toshi­ba (71)Wort­mann (Ter­ra) (5)XMG (1)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (11344)AMD (184)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)200020002500 (288)25002550 (1211)25502600 (117)26002700 (2122)27002750 (1357)27503000 (784)30003250 (1724)32503300 (1463)33005950 (760)605011500 (674)
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)8001380 (1024)13801450 (1148)14501540 (1152)15401580 (1522)16001610 (1603)16101650 (100)16501730 (1800)17301740 (1420)17401910 (1136)19102590 (1664)
Ker­ne222 (10355)44 (1164)66 (9)
Threads22 (23)44 (10482)66 (8)88 (1014)1212 (1)
Basis­takt12GHz (160)22,1GHz (523)2,12,2GHz (533)2,22,3GHz (524)2,32,4GHz (1710)2,42,5GHz (1704)2,52,6GHz (1326)2,62,7GHz (2187)2,72,9GHz (708)2,94GHz (506)
Dis­play-Größe10.0012.35Zoll (256)12.5012.55Zoll (2181)12.6013.15Zoll (12)13.3013.35Zoll (643)13.5013.95Zoll (30)14.0014.05Zoll (4435)14.1014.15Zoll (888)14.4015.55Zoll (76)15.6015.65Zoll (2152)15.7018.05Zoll (8)
SSD-Kapa­zi­tät070GB (390)120130GB (1456)150240GB (8)240250GB (799)250260GB (1999)260510GB (16)510520GB (1174)960970GB (13)10001010GB (622)20002010GB (1)
RAM-Größe0100GB (10965)100200GB (3)200300GB (29)500600GB (6)1630016400GB (1)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

11528 Note­books 0 Igno­re, von 350 € bis 500 €, ab 2000 CPU Mark, ab 2 Kerne
1234567116Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≥ 350 €Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≤ 500 €CPU Mark ≥ 2000Ker­ne ≥ 2
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowPanasonic Toughbook CF-19 MK7,Intel Core i5-3340M,2,7Ghz,4GB,500GB,"A-WARE"
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,00 €Intel Core i5-3340M Processor275317152 / 4
ebay right nowUltrabook HP Folio 9470m 14.0" i5 8GB 500GB Win10 Pro HD4000
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebraucht: Arti­kel wur­de bereits benutzt. Ein Arti­kel mit Abnut­zungs­spu­ren, aber in gutem Zustand und voll­kom­men funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Bei dem Arti­kel han­delt es sich unter Umstän­den um ein Vor­führ­mo­dell oder um einen Arti­kel, der an den Ver­käu­fer nach Gebrauch
Intel Pro­zes­sor: i5-3427U
Matrix: 1366x768
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 320GB HDD
Spei­cher­platz: 8GB
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,00 €Intel Core i5-3427U Processor234814592 / 4
ebay right nowHP Probook 4730s i5-2430M 2,4GHz 4GB RAM 600GB Windows 10 Enterprise 17"
355,00 €
inkl. 6,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2430M Processor201012512 / 4
ebay right nowPC Laptop Notebook Lenovo T430 I5 HD 14 " Tastatur Ita Gewerbe Dad
hdd: 250 GB
SSD 2,5″: 120 GB
355,15 €Intel Core i5-3210M Processor246915672 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 4GB 480 SSD DVD HDTV W10P
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad L450 i3-5005U 4GB 120 SSD HDTV USB CAM W7
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad L450 i3-5005U 4GB 500GB HDTV USB CAM W10H
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Dell Latitude E6520 i5-2540M 8GB 240 SSD DRW HDTV CAM W10P
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2540M Processor219713222 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 8GB 1TB SSD DVD HD+ W10H
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T430 i5-3320M 4GB 1TB SSD HD+ DRW CAM W10H
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3320M Processor262016022 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 8GB 480 SSD HD+ CAM W10P
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 840 G2 i5-5200U 16GB 120 SSD HDTV CAM W10H
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T460 i5-6300U 8GB 1TB HDTV CAM W10H
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T460 i5-6300U 4GB 240 SSD HDTV CAM W10P
355,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X250 (12,5"HD) Intel i5-5300U 2,90GHz 8GB RAM 240GB SSD Win 10
355,55 €Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowHP Folio 1040 G1 i7 4600U 2,1GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 14" Win 8 Pro IPS 1920x1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4600U Processor272017042 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T440p i5 4300M 2,6GHz 16GB 250GB 14" Win 10 Pro DE
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6440 i7 4610M 3GHz 8GB 128GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro 1920x1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4610M Processor333319122 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E734 i7 4610M 3GHz 4GB 500GB 13,3" DVD-RW Win 10 Pro LTE Tasche
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4610M Processor333319122 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 820 G2 i7 5600U 2,6GHz 8GB 500GB 12,5" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-5600U Processor308518612 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6220 Intel Core i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 256GB SSD 12,5" WLAN Win 7
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowAsus TP300L i5 4210U 1,7GHz 6GB 500GB 13" Win 10 Pro US Tasche TouchScreen
Gebraucht — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right nowAsus TP300L i5 4210U 1,7GHz 6GB 500GB 13" Win 7 Pro US Tasche TouchScreen
Gebraucht — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T450 i5 5300u 2,3GHz 4GB 500GB 14" Win 10 Pro 1920x1080 IPS
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T450 i5 5300u 2,3GHz 4GB 500GB 14" Win 7 Pro 1920x1080 IPS
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T440p i5 4300M 2,6GHz 16GB 160GB SSD 14" DVD-RW Win 10 Pro DE Ta
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i7 4600U 2,1GHz 4GB 500GB 12,5" Win 10 Pro Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4600U Processor272017042 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i7 4600U 2,1GHz 4GB 500GB 12,5" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4600U Processor272017042 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L540 i5 4300M 2,6GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro DE Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L540 i5 4300M 2,6GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro DE Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 820 G2 i7 5600U 2,6GHz 8GB 500GB 12,5" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-5600U Processor308518612 / 4
ebay right nowPanasonic Toughbook CF-AX2 i5 3427U 1,8GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 11,6" Win 10 Pro FR
Gebraucht — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3427U Processor234814592 / 4
ebay right nowPanasonic Toughbook CF-AX2 i5 3427U 1,8GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 11,6" Win 7 Pro FR
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3427U Processor234814592 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X250 i5 5300U 2,3GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 12,5" Win 10 Pro 1920x1080
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 8GB 128GB SSD 15,6" UMTS Win 7 Pro 1920 x 1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 3450 i5 5200u 2,2GHz 4GB 500GB 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 3450 i5 5200u 2,2GHz 4GB 500GB 14" Win 8.1 Pro
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6420 ATG i5 2520m 2,5GHz 4GB 250GB 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowMotion CFT-003 i7 3667U 2GHz 8GB 32GB SSD 10,4" Win 10 Pro UMTS
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-3667U Processor261016162 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 2560p i5 2520m 2,5GHz 4GB 512GB SSD 12,5" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP Revolve 810 i5 3437U 1,9GHz 12GB 128GB SSD 11,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3437U Processor246315422 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E744 i5 4200M 2,5GHz 16GB 256GB SSD 14" DVD-RW Win 7 Pro DE Tas
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200M Processor281916262 / 4
ebay right nowHP Revolve 810 i5 3437U 1,9GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 11,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3437U Processor246315422 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6220 Intel Core i5 2520m 2500MHz 16GB 256GB SSD 12,5" WLAN Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440  i5 4200U bis zu 2,6GHz 4GB 128GB 14" DVD-RW Win 10 Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440  i5 4200U bis zu 2,6GHz 4GB 128GB 14" DVD-RW Win 7 Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T440p i5 4300M 2,6GHz 16GB 250GB 14" Win 7 Pro DE
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E752 i7 3632QM 2,2GHz 4GB 500GB 15,6" DVD Win 10 Pro Nummernblo
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-3632­QM Processor451416064 / 8
ebay right nowAsus TP300L i5 4210U 1,7GHz 6GB 500GB 13" Win 7 Pro US TouchScreen
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T440p i5 4300M 2,6GHz 16GB 160GB SSD 14"  Win 7 Pro DE Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300M Processor303018162 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i7 4600U 2,1GHz 4GB 500GB 12,5" Win 7 Pro Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-4600U Processor272017042 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X250 i5 5300U 2,3GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 12,5" Win 7 Pro 1920x1080
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 8GB 128GB SSD 15,6" UMTS Win 10 Pro 1920 x 1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 3450 i5 5200u 2,2GHz 4GB 500GB 14" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6420 ATG i5 2520m 2,5GHz 4GB 250GB 14" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowMotion CFT-003 i7 3667U 2GHz 8GB 32GB SSD 10,4" Win 7 Pro UMTS
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-3667U Processor261016162 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 2560p i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 256GB SSD 12,5" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 2560p i5 2520m 2,5GHz 4GB 512GB SSD 12,5" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 2560p i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 256GB SSD 12,5" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Tecra Z40-A i5 4310U 2GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro DE 1600x900 WebCa
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4310U Processor244015002 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Tecra Z40-A i5 4310U 2GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro DE 1600x900 WebCam
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4310U Processor244015002 / 4
ebay right nowHP Revolve 810 i5 3437U 1,9GHz 12GB 128GB SSD 11,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3437U Processor246315422 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E752 i7 3632QM 2,2GHz 4GB 500GB 15,6" DVD Win 7 Pro Nummernbloc
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i7-3632­QM Processor451416064 / 8
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6440 i5 4200M 2,5GHz 4GB 256GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro DE 1600x900 Tas
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200M Processor281916262 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6440 i5 4200M 2,5GHz 4GB 256GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro DE 1600x900 Tasc
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200M Processor281916262 / 4
ebay right nowHP Revolve 810 i5 3437U 1,9GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 11,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3437U Processor246315422 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440  i5 4200U bis zu 2,6GHz 4GB 128GB 14" DVD-RW Win 8 Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 20AM Core i5-4300U / 1.90 GHz 4 GB RAM 500 GB HDD 12,5" W7
355,90 €
inkl. 5,95 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E7470 i5 8GB-RAM 128GB-SSD 14' QHD 2560x1440 IPS TOUCH Win10 Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — (Klas­se A+) Der Lap­top sieht optisch wirk­lich gut aus, daher die aus­ge­zeich­ne­te Klas­se A+. Post-Lea­se-Gerä­te mit Spu­ren ganz nor­ma­ler Nut­zung. Gehäu­se, Dis­play, Tas­ta­tur und Touch­pad in sehr gutem Zustand. QWERTY US-Tas­ta­tur. Mit hoch­wer­ti­gen Auf­kle­bern S
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,90 €Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T450 i5-4300U 8GB 120GB-SSD-NEU 14' 1600x900 HD+ LED Win10 Pro
Gene­ral­über­holt — Der Lap­top sieht optisch wirk­lich gut aus, daher die aus­ge­zeich­ne­te Klas­se A. Post-Lea­se-Gerä­te mit Spu­ren ganz nor­ma­ler Nut­zung. Gehäu­se, Dis­play, Tas­ta­tur und Touch­pad in sehr gutem Zustand. QWERTY US-Tas­ta­tur. Mit hoch­wer­ti­gen Auf­kle­bern Standardisiert
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,90 €Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 820 G3 i5 6300U 2.4GHz 8GB 512GB SSD FULL HD CAM FP Windows 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Star­ke Gebrauchs­spu­ren am Gehäu­se, hel­ler Fleck im Dis­play, die Hal­te­vor­rich­tung für den Netz­werk­an­schluss fehlt.
355,95 €
inkl. 6,95 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5450 14" - i5-5300U 2,3GHZ - 8GB RAM - 120GB SSD A Ware
Gebraucht — In einem sehr guten neu­wer­ti­gem Zustand, ledig­lich der Dis­play­de­ckel oder der Unter­bo­den kann klei­ne­re Gebrauchs­spu­ren auffweisen.
Fest­plat­te: Aufrüstoption
355,95 €Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T570 Core i5-6300U 8GB 128GB SSD Win 10 Pro LTE OVP
Gebraucht — Guter Zustand
355,98 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowBusiness Lenovo ThinkPad T440p 14" HD i5-4210M 2,6GHz BT FP 8GB / 256GB SSD uvm.
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
355,98 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210M Processor282316782 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo Thinkpad T530 WiFi+UMTS aufgerüstet mit 250 GB SSD 8GB RAM Akku 3 - 4 Std
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowHewlett-Packard (HP) - ProBook 450 G3 15,6" Full-HD Notebook (T6Q45ET) i5-6200U
Gebraucht — Aus Nicht­rau­cher­haus­halt in Originalverpackung
355,99 €Intel Core i5-6200U Processor300816012 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 850 G3
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowAsus R556U i5 6200U 2.30 GHz 6GB DVDRW GeForce 940M  15,6"  Webcam
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6200U Processor300816012 / 4
ebay right nowHP ProBook 450 G4 Y8B56EA, 15,6" FHD i5-7200U 8GB 2x256GB SSD Win10 Pro Notebook
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-7200U Processor336617722 / 4
ebay right nowProfi HP EliteBook 840 G3 14 Zoll (128GB SSD, Intel Core I5 6th Gen., 2.40 GHz, 
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E7280, i5-7th Gen. 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, FullHD Display, NT, TOP!!!
355,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-7300U Processor376720202 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo Thinkpad T530, i5-3320m, 16GB RAM, 480SSD, NT, Dock, Akku neu
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Intel Core i5-3320M Processor262016022 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5480 Core i5 6440HQ  2,60Ghz 14"1920x1080  128GB SSD 8GB HD
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
356,00 €Intel Core i5-6440HQ Processor531920514 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T460s Core i5 6.Gen 8Gb 180Gb SSD 14" 1920x1080 IPS LTE  W10
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
356,00 €Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad X230 12.5" 500GB Intel i5 2.6GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
356,40 €
inkl. 30,29 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3320M Processor262016022 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad X230 12.5" 500GB Intel i5 2.6GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
356,40 €
inkl. 30,29 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3320M Processor262016022 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E7270 Core i7-6600U 2.6Ghz 8GB 256GB 512GB 12.5 " Zoll FHD Laptop
SSD hoch­leis­tung: 256 GB
356,41 €
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Intel Core i7-6600U Processor361919022 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G2 i5-5200U 8GB 320GB HDTV Cam W10P
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ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Dell Latitude E7440 i5-4310U 4GB 240 SSD FHD W10H
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ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4210U 8GB 1TB SSD HDTV Cam W10P
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ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G2 I5-5300U 8GB 120 SSD HDTV Cam W7
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Intel Core i5-5300U Processor272116562 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T430S i5-3320M 16GB 480 SSD HD+ DVD iHD CAM W10H
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Intel Core i5-3320M Processor262016022 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Portégé Laptop Z30-A,i5 4 Gen. 1,6 GHz, 8 GB RAM 256GB SSD Win 10 Pro #1
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauchs­spu­ren Touch­pad­tas­te (sie­he Bilder)Touchpin defekt
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Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T460s - 14" IPS FHD - i5-6300U 256 GB SSD 8 GB W10 2. Wahl #2
356,75 €Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T460s - 14" IPS FHD - i5-6300U 256 GB SSD 8 GB W10 2. Wahl #3
356,75 €Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T460s - 14" IPS FHD - i5-6300U 256 GB SSD 8 GB W10 2. Wahl #1
356,75 €Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 840 G2 Core i7-5500U 2.4Ghz 16GB 256GB 14 " FHD Laptop Notebook
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Intel Core i7-5500U Processor272916192 / 4
ebay right nowHP ProBook 640 G2 i5 6300U 8GB 256GB SSD NVMe NEU FULL HD CAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Ein­wand­freie Gebraucht­wa­re (refur­bis­hed pro­fes­sio­nell wie­der­auf­be­rei­tet), tech­nisch geprüft, Gehäu­se mit Gebrauchsspuren!
356,94 €
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Intel Core i5-6300U Processor329517382 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo Thinkpad X240 Laptop Core i5-4300U HDD SSD ⚙️UPGRADEABLE!🔝
Sto­rage Capa­ci­ty: 256GB SSD
Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
357,00 €
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Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo Thinkpad X240 Laptop Core i5-4300U HDD SSD ⚙️UPGRADEABLE!🔝
Sto­rage Capa­ci­ty: 256GB SSD
Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
357,00 €
inkl. 7,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4