
Suche und Ver­glei­che 25.000 gebrauch­te Note­books anhand Bench­mar­k­ergeb­nis­se, Dis­play-Größe, Kern­an­zahl, SSD-Kapa­zi­tät, RAM-Größe, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (168)
Preis inkl. Versand105225 (32)225270 (32)270287.5 (16)290315 (16)315342.5 (16)345397.5 (16)397.5420 (16)420445 (16)445472.5 (16)472.5567.5 (16)
ZustandGebraucht (70)Gene­ral­über­holt (96)Neu (2)
Mar­keAcer (1)Dell (71)Fuji­tsu (25)HP (5)Leno­vo (65)Sam­sung (1)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (168)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)2000 (168)2330.0
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)1440 (168)
Ker­ne22 (168)
Threads44 (168)
Basis­takt2,52,6GHz (168)
Dis­play-Größe14.05 Zoll14.1014.11Zoll (60)14.4014.41Zoll (1)15.0015.01Zoll (2)15.6015.61Zoll (105)
SSD-Kapa­zi­tät510GB (32)120125GB (28)125130GB (5)160185GB (2)240245GB (14)255260GB (4)480485GB (6)500505GB (1)510515GB (1)10001005GB (7)
RAM-Größe5 GB67GB (9)89GB (137)1011GB (2)1617GB (20)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

168 Note­books 0 Igno­re, von 2000 bis 2330.0 CPU Mark, ab 1440 Thread Mark, ab 14.05 Zoll, ab 5 GB RAM
12Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0CPU Mark ≥ 2000CPU Mark ≤ 2330.0Thread Mark ≥ 1440Dis­play-Größe ≥ 14.05 ZollRAM-Größe ≥ 5 GB
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right now15.6" Fujitsu Lifebook E751 i5-2520M ,6GB RAM,1000GB HDD
105,95 €
inkl. 6,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520M 2,5GHz Ram 8GB Hdd 500 GB 15,6" Win 10 Pro
146,00 €
inkl. 7,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFSC LifeBook E751 / 15,6"(39,6cm) i5-2520M 2x 2,50GHz 8GB 250GB Laptop *NB-1942*
149,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo T420s i5 2520M 6GB 500GB HDD Webcam FingerPrint NVidia NVS HD+ Mwst.#21S
156,80 €
inkl. 6,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo T420 i5 2520M 6GB 320GB HDD Win10 Pro DVD Mwst.#21
156,80 €
inkl. 6,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 8560p i5 2520M 2,5 GHz 8GB RAM 1TB HDD 15,6 Zoll Win10Pro Mathcad14
Gebraucht — Voll funk­ti­ons­fä­hig mit Gebrauchsspuren
156,99 €
inkl. 6,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 Core i5-2520M 2x 2.50GHz 8GB DDR3 128GB SSD W10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebraucht,
159,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo T420 Core i5 2 Gen.Max 3.2 Ghz   8GB 120GB SSD  HD Win 7
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauch­te A‑Ware, klei­ne gebrauchs­spu­ren. tech­nisch einwandfrei.Tastatur Qwertz Schwe­disch Auf­lke­ber auf wünsch
179,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T520 Notebook Intel Core i5 8GB 500GB HDD Win10P + Akku Gut
Gene­ral­über­holt — Ohne Web­cam Kamera.
179,99 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: OHNE
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: OHNE
180,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6420 Core i5  2,50Ghz 6GB 500GB 14" Wind10  HDMI DVDRW
185,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6420 Core i5 2,5 Ghz 6GB 120GB SSD 14" Wind10  DVDRW HDMI
198,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T420 Core i5-2520M 2.5GHz 4GB 320GB QWERTZ Webcam
Gebraucht — Die Note­books kön­nen leich­te Gehäu­se­spu­ren haben, tech­nisch ordent­lich. Die Lap­tops ist geprüft und gerei­nigt. Ori­gi­na­le Bil­der von dem Note­book. Tas­ta­tur QWERTZ
199,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
199,89 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6420 Core i5 2,5 Ghz 6GB 500GB 14" Wind10  HDMI DVDRW
200,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 500GB
200,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6520 Core i5-2520M 2,50GHz - SSD - Webcam - UMTS - Win 10 - TOP
Gene­ral­über­holt — gebraucht, geprüft, gerei­nigt — A‑Ware vom Händ­ler inkl. Rechnung
Fest­plat­te: 128 GB SSD
204,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6420 Core i5 2,50Ghz 6GB 500GB 14" Wind10  HDMI DVDRW
210,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP ProBook 6560b, Intel Core i5-2520M, 4GB RAM, 240GB SSD, Radeon HD 6470M
218,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo Thinkpad T520 15,6" 2,5GHz i5 2. Gen 8 GB RAM 500 GB HDD 128 GB SSD #079
219,99 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 120GB
220,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 1TB
220,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6520 Core i5-2520M 2,50GHz - SSD - Webcam - UMTS - Win 10 - TOP
Gene­ral­über­holt — gebraucht, geprüft, gerei­nigt — A‑Ware vom Händ­ler inkl. Rechnung
Fest­plat­te: 256 GB SSD
224,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
226,60 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
226,60 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 Notebook 15" LED i5-2520m (2,50GHz) 8GB Ram 120GB Win10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Top 15 Zoll Note­book Super soli­de guter Zustand Full HD Display
233,33 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
239,96 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowAcer TravelMate 6495T HomeOffice Notebook i5 2,50GHz 640GB Vollaustattung WIN10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Getes­te­te Gebraucht­wa­re in sehr gutem Zustand, inkl. Gewähr­leis­tung ! Voll­austat­tung­Ger­man Stock , Ware in Deutsch­land gelagert !
239,99 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP ProBook 6560b, Core i5, Dockingstation, SIM Slot, SSD, WIN10, Top Zustand
239,99 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: OHNE
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: OHNE
240,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 250GB
240,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L520 Notebook 15" LED i5-2520M (2,5GHz) 8GB Ram 120GB SSD Webcam
Gene­ral­über­holt — Top 15 Zoll Note­book Super soli­de Deckel hat Krat­zer sonst Top
244,44 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDELL Latitude E6520 Core i5-2520M 2,50GHz - SSD - Webcam - UMTS - Win 10 - TOP
Gene­ral­über­holt — gebraucht, geprüft, gerei­nigt — A‑Ware vom Händ­ler inkl. Rechnung
Fest­plat­te: 512 GB SSD
244,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 2TB
250,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 500GB
250,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
253,32 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 Intel® Core i5-2520M-2.50GHz-8GB-500GB-HDD-UMTS-Webcam-HDMI-
Gebraucht — Gebrauch­te Dell Lati­tu­de E6520 Intel® Core i5-2520M‑2.50GHz-8GB-500GB-HDD-UMTS-Webcam-HDMI-BluetoothDisplay 15, 6“/ Intel HD Gra­phics 3000 / Blue­tooth / Web­cam / HDMI / UMTS / Win­dows 10 Pro­fes­sio­nal 64bit Tech­nisch befin­det sich das Note­book in einem ein
255,00 €
inkl. 6,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 160GB 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
255,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 160GB 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
255,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now14" Fujitsu Lifebook S751 i5 2520M 2,5GHz 8GB 240GB SSD Neuer Akku Windows 10
Gebraucht — Sehr guter Zustand — Neu­er Akku — 8 GB Ram — 1,5 Jah­re alte 240GB SSD — mit Docking­sta­ti­on — zwei Netz­tei­le — Log­tech Maus — Windows10 neu instal­liert — Office vor­in­stal­liert nutz­bar mit Micro­soft Konto.
259,49 €
inkl. 9,49 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5520 Notebook 15.6 " Intel Core I5-2520 / RAM 4GB / HDD 320GB /
259,78 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
260,00 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
266,68 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
266,68 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latiude e6420 Core i5 2520M 8GB 120GB SSD DVD HD Intel Qwertz Win 7
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauch­te A‑Ware. Mit Gebrauchs­spu­ren (eve­tu­ell klei­ne Krat­zer oder Del­len auf dem Deckel) . Pro­fes­sio­nell wie­der­auf­be­rei­tet (refur­bis­hed), tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. Tas­ta­tur Qwertz
269,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 120GB
270,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 500GB
270,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 1TB
270,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5520 Notebook 15.6 " Intel Core I5-2520 / RAM 4GB / HDD 500GB /
270,02 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
273,35 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
273,35 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
273,35 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T520  i5 2.5GHz, 8GB, 500GB  HD Intel 3000 15.6" 1600x Win 7/10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauch­te A Ware, klei­ne Gebrauchs­spu­ren ( klei­ne Krat­zer auf obe­ren Deckel kön­nen vor­han­den sein), tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. Tas­ta­tur Qwertz
279,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T520  i5 2.5GHz, 8GB, 180GB SSD HD Intel 3000 15.6" 1600x Win 7
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauch­te A Ware, klei­ne Gebrauchs­spu­ren ( klei­ne Krat­zer auf obe­ren Deckel kön­nen vor­han­den sein), tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. Tas­ta­tur Qwertz
279,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
280,04 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
280,04 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 128GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
285,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 128GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
285,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
286,72 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
286,72 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
286,72 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
286,72 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 250GB
290,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
293,39 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
293,39 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
293,39 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
293,39 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5520++ Intel i5 2520M 2,50GHz 256GB SSD 8GB Win 10 15.6 Zoll
299,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 2TB
300,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
313,42 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
313,42 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
313,42 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
313,42 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
313,42 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
315,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
315,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 500GB
320,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: SSD (Solid Sta­te Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 1TB
320,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
320,11 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
320,11 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
326,79 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
326,79 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
326,79 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
326,79 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now+PREMIUM LATITUDE E6520 CORE i5 I5-2520M	2.5GHZ	8GB  320GB DVDRW WEBCAM W10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Ordent­li­ches Lap­top — Leich­te Gebrauchs­spu­ren möglich.
329,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
333,46 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
333,46 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 160GB 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
335,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 160GB 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
335,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 16GB 160GB 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
335,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4