
Suche und Ver­glei­che 25.000 gebrauch­te Note­books anhand Bench­mar­k­ergeb­nis­se, Dis­play-Größe, Kern­an­zahl, SSD-Kapa­zi­tät, RAM-Größe, Ener­gie­ver­brauch (TDP), Zustand, Takt­ge­schwin­dig­keit uvm.

Igno­re0 (3103)
Preis inkl. Versand300 €300315 (248)315335 (328)335349 (260)349360 (332)360370 (232)370379 (264)379390 (332)390400 (384)400411 (264)411426 (224)425 €
ZustandGebraucht (1247)Gene­ral­über­holt (1840)Neu (16)
Mar­keUnbe­kannt (2)Acer (47)Apple (5)ASUS (25)Dell (652)Fuji­tsu (287)Getac (1)GIGABYTE (3)HP (799)Leno­vo (1157)MEDION (1)Micro­soft (10)Pana­so­nic (73)Sony (3)Toshi­ba (38)
CPU-Her­stel­lerIntel (3071)AMD (32)
CPU Mark (Mul­ti-Core Benchmark)200020002180 (48)21802185 (363)21952295 (288)23152320 (529)23452425 (96)24402465 (486)24652475 (294)24902515 (256)25202525 (580)25302595 (540)2600
Thread Mark (Sin­gle-Core Benchmark)8001295 (64)12951305 (302)13151320 (363)13201370 (288)13851440 (370)14401445 (529)14501525 (96)15351540 (269)15401545 (600)15651570 (152)
Ker­ne22 (3049)44 (54)
Threads44 (3103)6
Basis­takt1,11,6GHz (82)1,61,7GHz (365)1,71,8GHz (186)1,81,9GHz (219)1,92GHz (602)22,1GHz (357)2,12,3GHz (118)2,32,5GHz (150)2,52,6GHz (685)2,62,9GHz (388)
Dis­play-Größe10.0011.65Zoll (24)12.0012.15Zoll (28)12.5012.55Zoll (610)12.6013.05Zoll (2)13.3013.35Zoll (228)14.0014.05Zoll (1048)14.1014.15Zoll (457)14.5015.45Zoll (6)15.6015.65Zoll (438)15.7017.35Zoll (8)
SSD-Kapa­zi­tät010GB (123)1070GB (44)120130GB (475)160170GB (89)180200GB (212)240250GB (269)250260GB (230)480510GB (174)510520GB (246)9601010GB (8)
RAM-Größe05GB (1407)510GB (1225)1015GB (100)1520GB (293)255260GB (5)510515GB (1)
⇓ wei­te­re Fil­ter anzeigen ⇓

3103 Note­books 0 Igno­re, von 300 € bis 425 €, von 2000 bis 2600 CPU Mark, bis 6 Threads
123432Fil­ter: Igno­re: 0Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≥ 300 €Preis inkl. Ver­sand ≤ 425 €CPU Mark ≥ 2000CPU Mark ≤ 2600Threads ≤ 6
Quel­le Bild Titel Preis inkl. Ver­sand↓CPU CPU Mark Thread Mark Ker­ne  / Threads 
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 6GB 250GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
300,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 6GB 160GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
300,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad x240 12.5" Core i5 2GB 250GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
300,00 €Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad x240 12.5" Core i5 2GB 160GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
300,00 €Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6520 15,6" HD+ i5-2520M 2.50GHz HDD SSD 8 / 16 GB RAM Win 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Die Note­books wei­sen stär­ke­re Gebrauchs- und Nut­zungs­spu­ren auf. Es las­sen sich eini­ge Krat­zer und klei­ne­re Del­len am Gehäu­se fin­den, ins­be­son­de­re auf dem Dis­play­de­ckel sowie Farb­ab­rieb an den Gehäu­se­kan­ten. Sonst befin­den sich die Note­books in einem akze
Arbeits­spei­cher: 16GB
Fest­plat­ten­typ: HDD (Hard Disk Dri­ve)
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 2TB
300,00 €Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook 820 G1 12,5 Zoll | 128 GB SSD | 8 GB
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Note­book wur­de tech­nisch über­prüft, gerei­nigt und ist funk­ti­ons­fä­hig. Bit­te beach­ten Sie, dass wir auf die Lauf­zeit des Akkus kei­ne Garan­tie geben können
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
300,00 €Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowgetac f110 Fully Rugged Tablet, Core I5-5200U, 2.2GHz, 4GB, 128GB SSD
Gebraucht — Gebraucht
300,00 €Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Satellite B35-R Core i5 2,20GHz 15,6 Zoll DVD Windows 10 Refurbished
Gene­ral­über­holt — Refur­bis­hed — getes­tet und gerei­nigt. TOP ZUSTAND!
Arbeits­spei­cher: 4 GB
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 240 GB
300,00 €Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 120GB SSD
Car­ryCa­se: No
300,08 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4200U 16GB 120 SSD HDTV Cam W10H
300,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4210U 16GB 1TB HDTV Cam W7P
300,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4210U 16GB 320GB HDTV Cam W10P
300,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 8GB 480 SSD DVD HD+ W10H
300,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 4GB 1TB HDTV CAM W10H
300,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now▲Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 MK5 - 2.50GHz Core i5 - 240GB SSD - 8GB RAM - RS232▲
Gebraucht — The­se items are in good con­di­ti­on, I would give them a 8 out of 10 point (B) cos­me­ti­cal­ly with a flaw­less, bright screen and good battery.
300,76 €
inkl. 12,78 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook E751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E733 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 4GB 256GB SSD 13,3" Win 10 Pro WebCam Tasc
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Tecra R950 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 4GB 160GB SSD 15,6" Win 10 Pro DE Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowToshiba Tecra R950 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 4GB 160GB SSD 15,6" Win 7 Pro DE Tasche
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E733 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 4GB 256GB SSD 13,3" Win 7 Pro WebCam Tasch
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 8GB 160GB SSD 12,5" Win 10 Pro UMTS 1920x10
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 8GB 160GB SSD 12,5" Win 7 Pro UMTS 1920x108
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E5440 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 8.1 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
300,89 €
inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* HP ProBook 11 G1 i3-5005U 4GB 480 SSD HDTV Cam Touch W10H
301,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4210U 8GB 480 SSD HDTV Cam W10P
301,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440S i5-4210U 4GB 1TB HD+ CAM W7P
301,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 8GB 160GB USB CAM HDTV W7P
301,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 840 G2 i5-5200U 4GB 1TB HDTV CAM W10H
301,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440S i5-4210U 8GB 500GB HD+ CAM W7P
302,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 8GB 160GB DVD HDTV W10H
302,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 4GB 120 SSD USB CAM HDTV W7P
302,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 4GB 160GB USB CAM HDTV W10P
302,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 840 G2 i5-5200U 8GB 500GB HDTV CAM W10H
302,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowAsus Pro P2520LA-XO1001T / 15,6" HD-Display entspiegelt / Intel Core i3-5005U
302,99 €
inkl. 7,99 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo THINKPAD T420i Core i5 16GB 1TB SSD 14'' Bildschirm Sieg 10 Pro
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 240gb ssd
Arbeits­spei­cher: 4 GB
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
303,03 €
inkl. 23,12 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4200U 16GB 240 SSD HDTV Cam W7P
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440S i5-4210U 4GB 500GB HD+ CAM W10P
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4210U 16GB 120 SSD HDTV Cam W10H
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 4GB 120 SSD DVD HDTV W10H
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 4GB 240 SSD HD+ CAM W10H
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 4GB 1TB HD+ CAM W10P
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 840 G2 i5-5200U 4GB 120 SSD HDTV CAM W10P
303,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo X250 12.5'' Core i5-5200U 4GB 128GB SSD 1366x768 USB 3.0 Windows 10
Gene­ral­über­holt — Gebrauch­te Ware mit klei­nen Gebrauchs­spu­ren . Pro­fes­sio­nell wie­der­auf­be­rei­tet (refur­bis­hed), tech­nisch ein­wand­frei. Tas­ta­tur Qwertz Schwe­disch Deut­sche Auflkeber
Fest­plat­ten­ka­pa­zi­tät: 1TB SSD
Spei­cher­platz: 4GB
neue Bat­te­rie (Ersatz): Ja
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
304,00 €Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowHP EliteBook Folio 9480m 14 Zoll Notebook, i5-4310U, 4GB RAM, 180GB SSD, 1A
Gebraucht — Rest­pos­ten, Demo­wa­re, Rück­läu­fer usw. getes­tet und 100% OK mit klei­nen Spu­ren. QWERTY Tas­ta­tur Lay­out. Ohne Windows.
304,90 €
inkl. 5,00 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4310U Processor244015002 / 4
ebay right nowHP ProBook 6470b i5 Profi Notebook Business Home-Office Laptop Bis 1TB SSD 16 GB
Gebraucht — Die Ware befin­det sich in einem optisch sowie tech­nisch guten Zustand, wur­de sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und gerei­nigt. Opti­sche Gebrauchs­spu­ren oder klei­ne­re Krat­zer kön­nen vor­han­den sein.
Arbeits­spei­cher: 8 GB
Fest­plat­te: 1000 GB SSD (Neu­wa­re)
304,97 €Intel Core i5-3210M Processor246915672 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3-5005U 14" HD (1366x768px) 2,0GHz RAM 8GB, 128GB SSD
304,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L420 14"(1TB, Core i5 2,50GHz, 16GB RAM, Win10) NEUWERTIG!!!!
Gene­ral­über­holt — Pro­fes­sio­nell geprüft, gerei­nigt und auf­ge­rüs­tet (sie­he Artikelbeschreibung)
304,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 | i5-5200U | 16GB RAM | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
304,99 €
inkl. 5,99 € Versand
Intel Core i5-5200U Processor253015362 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 4GB 160GB HDD HD+ Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 6GB 320GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 6GB 500GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 4GB 128GB SSD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad T431s 14" Core i5 4GB 160GB SSD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad x240 12.5" Core i5 2GB 320GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad x240 12.5" Core i5 2GB 500GB HDD WXGA Win 10 Pro Notebook
Gene­ral­über­holt — Das Gerät wur­de zer­legt, gerei­nigt, sorg­fäl­tig geprüft und ggf. lackiert.
305,00 €Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right now#3JahreGEWL* HP EliteBook 820 G1 i5-4200U 16GB 1TB HDTV Cam W10H
305,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4200U Processor218013182 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440S i5-4210U 4GB 120 SSD HD+ CAM W10H
305,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor229213882 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T420 i5-2520M 8GB 480 SSD DRW HDTV CAM USB W10P
305,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 8GB 120 SSD HD+ CAM W7P
305,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right now#3Jahre GEWL* Lenovo ThinkPad T440 i5-4300U 8GB 500GB HD+ CAM W10H
305,50 €
inkl. 8,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude E6430 Core i5 3230M 8GB 256GB SSD Cheap Windows 10 Pro Laptop HDMI
Gene­ral­über­holt — Second user con­di­ti­on Ex-Cor­po­ra­te goods. Tes­ted in good working con­di­ti­on with 30 Days RTB War­ran­ty along with free UK power cable. Ultra Fast Intel 3rd Genera­ti­on Core i5 Lap­top sui­ta­ble for Pro­fes­sio­nals, Small Office, Trai­ning Cent­re, School, Home. La
305,53 €
inkl. 14,26 € Versand
Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 16GB 500GB 14" Win 10 Pro
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inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 16GB 500GB 14" Win 7 Pro
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inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 4GB 512GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad L450 i3 5005U 2GHz 4GB 512GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro
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Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 3330 i5 3337U 1,8GHz 16GB 500GB 13,3" Win 10 Pro
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Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 3330 i5 3337U 1,8GHz 16GB 500GB 13,3" Win 7 Pro
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Intel Core i5-3337U Processor211712972 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook S751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro
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Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu Lifebook S751 i5 2520m 2,5GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 6430U i5 3427U 1,8GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 7 Pro
Gebraucht — Refurbished
Ach­tung: Aufkleber
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Intel Core i5-3427U Processor234814592 / 4
ebay right nowDell Latitude 6430U i5 3427U 1,8GHz 8GB 180GB SSD 14" Win 10 Pro
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Ach­tung: Aufkleber
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Intel Core i5-3427U Processor234814592 / 4
ebay right nowHP Revolve 810 i5 3437U 1,9GHz 4GB 128GB SSD 11,6" Win 10 Pro
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Intel Core i5-3437U Processor246315422 / 4
ebay right nowAcer TravelMate P633 i5 3210M 2,5GHz 16GB 500GB 13,3" Win 7 Pro
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Intel Core i5-3210M Processor246915672 / 4
ebay right nowAcer TravelMate P633 i5 3210M 2,5GHz 16GB 500GB 13,3" Win 10 Pro
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Intel Core i5-3210M Processor246915672 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E733 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 8GB 160GB SSD 13,3" Win 7 Pro WebCam Tasch
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Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowFujitsu LifeBook E733 i5 3230M 2,6GHz 8GB 160GB SSD 13,3" Win 10 Pro WebCam Tasc
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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Intel Core i5-3230M Processor249115172 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 500GB 15,6" UMTS Win 10 Pro 1920 x 1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowLenovo ThinkPad X240 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 500GB 12,5" UMTS Win 7 Pro 1920x1080 IP
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Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 4GB 500GB 15,6" UMTS Win 7 Pro 1920 x 1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 i5 4300U 1,9GHz 500GB 4GB 15,6" UMTS Win 7 Pro 1920 x 1080
Gebraucht — Refurbished
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inkl. 5,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowSony Vaio PCG-91311M VPCEJ1J1E 17,3 Display Intel i5-2450M 6 GB RAM
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Intel Core i5-2450M Processor212313042 / 4
ebay right nowBusiness Notebook Fujitsu Lifebook A555 Intel 2x2GHz 8GB 256SSD Webcam AC-WLAN
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Intel Core i3-5005U Processor205411572 / 4
ebay right nowDell Inspiron 17R N7110 17,3"  Intel i5, 6GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Win 10
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Intel Core i5-2430M Processor201012512 / 4
ebay right nowlaptop asus 17 zoll
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Intel Core i5-3210M Processor246915672 / 4
ebay right nowHP Elitebook 850 G1 Laptop, Intel i5 4 Gen. 1,90GHz, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Win10#2
Gene­ral­über­holt — Krat­zer in Hand­auf­la­ge, Gebrauchs­spu­ren, Leich­te Abnut­zung auf dem Displaydeckel
306,50 €
inkl. 7,50 € Versand
Intel Core i5-4300U Processor252415402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.5Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad T420 14.1" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 4GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 500GB
Car­ryCa­se: Yes
306,73 €
inkl. 12,90 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad X220 12.5" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 7 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
306,88 €
inkl. 13,04 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad X220 12.5" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
306,88 €
inkl. 13,04 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4
ebay right nowGaming laptop Lenovo ThinkPad X220 12.5" 500GB Intel i5 2.5GHz 8GB Win 7 10 SSD
Gene­ral­über­holt — IBM Leno­vo lap­top which is an ex-busi­ness machi­ne ful­ly working & tes­ted by our aut­ho­ri­sed Leno­vo engi­neers. Per­fect use for school, home, uni­ver­si­ty or even busi­ness. Bat­te­ry Tes­ted & Working. The lap­top also has a new copy of Win­dows 7 or 10 instal­led a
Pro­ces­sor: 2.6Ghz
Memo­ry GB: 8GB
Ope­ra­ting­Sys­tem: Win­dows 10 Pro
Hard­Dri­ve: 320GB
Car­ryCa­se: No
306,88 €
inkl. 13,04 € Versand
Intel Core i5-2520M Processor231914402 / 4